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I'm fucking excited for this, not even an hour after I finished my The Last of Us story, Until the End (Which, by the way, if you have not read, I strongly recommend you go to that book first) and I felt this feeling of sorrow. I missed this book, I missed writing about Y/N, about Ellie and Joel. So you know I got my ass up and got to work as soon as I could.

I have a lot to say before we start, so bear with me for a bit. The Last of Us Part 2 is a highly controversial game, and I have my own takes on it. In my last book, I feel that response was very emotional. And while I still back some of the points I brought up, I want to give a more technical response. This game, it wasn't horrible. But it wasn't good. It fell into that 'meh' category, and everyone will forget about it soon. It will be looked back on as a cash grab.

The story to the game, is disappointing. As a writer, the creative path in which Naughty Dogg took was upsetting to me. But I can see what they were trying to accomplish, I just don't think they did it well. Nor do I think they should have tried to accomplish what they did. And the characters is what killed it. No one could get attached to any of the characters there, it was like watching a tv show with actors who had no idea what they were doing. Story wise, this game tanked.

Gameplay wise, it was just a bit 'eh.' The combat system and stealth was fun for about 4 hours, and in a 30+ hour game, that doesn't cut it. The violence was ok, but they tried to throw it on so heavily that everything was bland. And Joel's death, it was so heavy on shock value (to those of us that weren't spoiled the story) that everything else felt numb. Personally, I saw nothing on the game as I went into my first play through. So Joel's death fucking hurt, and everything else just didn't phase me from there.

So, that's what I want you to know going into this. Don't look at this story through an emotional attachment from the game, I want you to look at it as it is: my story. I've worked hard to plan this out, I'm going to change some aspects of the story and I'm going to write it my way. Then, in the end, you can tell me if I did a better job or not.

Now that has got to be longest Author's Note. Now that I'm done, the video up top is kind of like Y/N's them throughout this book, and I won't take your time anymore. Let's get this shit done. Also! I know this is short, but it's a prologue. It's not suppose to be long, it's just supposed to bridge the last story to this one.

Two Days after the events of Until the End

"Oh my god!" A voice called out, and heads turned quickly to find the source of it. One person in particular watched the noise, seeing two individuals standing next to each other. "Y/N, Y/N!" You have to try this!" Ellie shouted looking over at the boy who was holding a cupcake. "Ellie I can't- my mouth is..." Even though he was still chewing on his food, Ellie shoved the beef jerky into his mouth, almost making him choke. It took Y/N a moment to go through the food, but when he finally cleared his mouth it looked like he was tearing up. Ellie immediately thought she had almost killed him, going to apologize quickly when he whispered out, "it's the most beautiful thing I've ever tasted..."  

Ellie started laughing at Y/N's actions, as the other stood straight up with a smile on his face. One of the townspeople scoffed in a bit of discuss, setting their plate down. "I get they're not used to being in towns, but we have to be civilized." They muttered, making a move to the two kids when a hand grabbed their arm roughly. The person looked over to see Tommy staring at them, and letting go. "Let them eat. Those kids have been through hell, they deserve it." He spoke softly, and no one made another move towards the two children.


"We'll be staying here." Joel spoke softly, looking over to the boy standing next to him. "What about Ellie?" Y/N asked, in awe of the large house they were standing in. He had never seen anything like it. "She insisted on having her one place to stay, I reckon she's about tired of us. I would've gotten you your own, but..." Joel trailed off, and Y/N gave a bit of a shrug. "Yeah, that whole separation anxiety thing." Y/N said, rubbing the back of his head. It was a small little detail, one that he passed over quite often, but now he found that he could never be alone without someone he knew.

When they first arrived they were checked out by the local doctor, and some guy who says he was a "physiologist" said Y/N had some sort of anxiety. Whatever those meant. It didn't matter much now, he was looking at his own house, well Joel's but he was gonna stay there. "And get this, they have plumbing systems." Joel said, looking over to the kid he saw as his son. Y/N just gave a bit of a dumb face back. "We have working showers and toilets- are you crying?" Joel asked, looking a bit worried. "That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard..." he spoke, so wiping a couple of his tears. "I am going to try out that shower, and sleep on a bed for once."

Y/N cheered, grabbing the very meager stuff he had and heading up the stairs. He never thought he'd be here, all his life being on the run. A house inside some walls, working electricity and plumbing. He had Ellie, Joel who he saw as a father figure, and genuine, real food. Y/N had given so much to get this far, and now he was here, the boy finally knew what it felt like to have hope for a better future. "I'm going to go see Ellie!" Joel called, heading out. "Wait a minute, Joel!" Y/N called suddenly, both of them turned to look at each other. "Thank you, for everything." The teenager spoke, and Joel had a small grin. "Of course, kiddo."


"So what's this about patrols?" Y/N asked, staring at the map on the table. They were currently in Joel's home, and Maria was there with Tommy explaining to the trio of Joel, Ellie, and Y/N how these patrols would work. "Even with the walls and electrified barrier, we need to be careful. We have farms not to far away that are out in the open, along with a couple of ranches. It's best to keep infected out of our area as much as we can manage." Maria explained, pointing out the important spots. "We also need to know if there are any infected wandering nearby. The last thing we need is a horde to be on top of us." Tommy further explained, keepings his eyes on the three. "What do you think, Joel?" Ellie questioned, looking up at the Father-Figure.

"Y/N and I can go on some of these runs with the team. Ellie, you'll stay behind and learn with the other kids." Joel stated, giving a glance to the girl. "Bullshit! Why do I have to stay behind when you two are risking your lives! I know how to shoot a gun just as well as-" Ellie started to complain, and Y/N knew what was coming next. "Because I said." Joel finalized, a glare in his eyes as he silently told Ellie not to push the subject further. "Then why does Y/N get to go out?" Ellie asked defeated, looking at her boyfriend. "Because I'm better?" Y/N questioned, a joking grin on his face that almost cheered Ellie up. "Because I've watch Y/N gun his way through an army. I don't think there's a damn thing anyone can teach him."

"Then It's settled, we'll get you two situated and put you on some simple routes. I'll tag along to make sure everything goes smoothly." Tommy said, picking up the map. "Maria, can you go see what horses we have for them?" He asked his wife, and she gave a nod before storming out. "I reckon she doesn't like this idea?" Joel asked, looking at his younger brother. "No, she thinks the patrols are dangerous. But we have to keep our food safe, as well as the hydro dam not to far away." Tommy answered, and the three gave an understanding nod. "I'll be back brother, you keep the kids out of trouble." Tommy joked, patting Joel's shoulder before heading out. "This is still bullshit." Ellie muttered, but she didn't have much complaints as she headed out as well.


"No!" A desperate voice cried out, trying to reach into the room. "Stay back, you don't need to see this." A man's voice tried to soothe her, but her desperate sobs wouldn't let his words go through. "Dad!" She called again, falling into the man's arms as she sobbed. She couldn't save him, that boy. She couldn't...

Abby was right there, she could've taken the shot. But just as she raised her gun, she found herself on the ground moments later. Above her was Y/N, his eyes dull as he held a knife to her neck. "No..." he muttered softly, standing up. "You're a kid... like me." He whispered, but the shouts of soldiers from behind him. "I can't take anymore lives..." he finished, before turning and running.

"I could've saved him..." Abby sobbed, through tears it was hard to see anything. "There was nothing you could've done, Abby." Owen said quietly, trying to keep her comforted. But he was wrong, because if she was a minute sooner, there was a chance Y/N wouldn't have pulled that trigger.

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