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It was just another day at Gladestone High-School School, in Montreal, Canada. Olivia Cortez sat with her pencil in her hand, and her script on her lap in the middle of the school auditorium. She didn't usually want to go home this badly, on the contrary drama club never seemed to last long enough for her. But after a long week of her history teacher droning on and on about historical figures she couldn't care less about, racking her brain to answer seemingly impossible algebra problems, and losing the lead role in their school production by just that much, she wanted nothing more than to go home, and binge watch Arrow... again. 

So now here she was, drumming her fingers impatiently on her lap, just waiting for rehearsals to finish. "-And lastly, please memorize Act 1 until Act 3 by next Friday." Her eyes followed the ticking hands on her wristwatch. 'Any time now' Olivia thought to herself. "Okay that's it I'll see you guys next week." 

Finally. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she practically ran out of the auditorium, script in hand, with her shoulder length brown hair bouncing on her shoulders, some of it falling out of the waterfall braid she had done them in, earlier that day. She quickly went to her locker and took out her strap-on roller blades from the bottom shelf. Checking her phone she saw that her friend Lance had just messaged her.

'The usual spot? I have food.'

'Yeah omw now'. she replied.

She strapped on her roller blades, and quickly sped through the hallway to catch up with the other students. "You goanna catch a ride home with me today?" asked one of her friends. This was Kelly Pierce, Olivia called her the sister she never had. A title she had rightfully earned, since she had been with the girl since they were in kindergarten.

"Nah. It's the third Friday of the month today. I'm going to meet Lance at the lake." she replied, shaking her head. "See you tomorrow then? I think I need your help with the Geometry homework." said Kelly, her long wavy blonde hair framing her face. Olivia nodded in agreement. "See ya." "Bye."

Speeding across the campus, she made her way to the gate. There was a small lake not too far from their school. A lot of students would go there after school. Some would go there to study, some just to hang out with their friends, and some of the older students would even on dates, but to Olivia the lake was where she and her best friend Lance, would go every third Friday of the month. It had become a tradition of theirs. Every third Friday of the month, they would go to the lake, and just stay there and talk.

Speeding down the street, she took she route she knew so well. She should know it, considering she'd been going there since she was 9 years old. First right, then the second left, and there it was. The lake glistened in the afternoon sun, the cool water having attracted some people who were now dipping their feet into it, as some younger children played in the grass. She looked around, until her eyes were met by the ones of just the boy she was looking for. Lance.

A large smile greeted her as she made her way over to him. He sat under a large willow tree right by the water. "About time you got here." He said. Lance was one of Olivia's closest friends. His dark brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes were some of the features that she would have recognized anywhere.

"It's not my fault we had rehearsals today." she said, taking off the straps of her roller blades, and setting them down beside her. "Also, moving on to the only reason I'm here, food." She said, holding her hand out.

Lance rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah go ahead, put food before the friend who got you said food. Jeez." Olivia's eyes lit up, as he brought out a Vanilla Dip doughnut from a Tim Hortons paper bag. 

"Mmmm. I swear you're officially my best friend as of this moment in time." she said, her voice slightly muffled by the food she had just stuffed in her mouth. 

Lance laughed. "You do realize that other than Kelly I'm your only  friend right?" 

"Haha very funny Lance." she said, her tongue dripping with sarcasm.

By now they were seated next to each other on the ground, and they were talking and laughing without a care in the world.

Olivia looked over at him. They had known each other pretty much all their lives. A million thoughts and memories ran through her head in that moment. He was going to leave to go to Europe next year. They both knew that they would inevitably be separated soon with his about to make his F4 debut, and her dreams of moving to the states to start her music career. But now they were just trying to make as many memories as possible before that happened. 

"What's on your mind?" asked Lance.

"Nothing, it's just... "she looked at him. "When you leave for Europe, I'll be here, then eventually I'll move to Nashville, and I'm just scared that I'm goanna lose you."

Lance cupped her cheek. "Hey. You're not going to lose me okay? Even after I leave you'll still be my best friend."

They stayed like that for a bit more. Olivia Cortez, and Lance Stroll really were something else. Everyone knew it. Some even would place bets on weather or not they were dating, but they would always laugh and say they were just friends, and that was all they would ever be, but then there came a time that they became less than friends. Strangers almost. In Olivia's words, a faded memory.

FADED MEMORIES: A Lance Stroll fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now