Chapter 2

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After talking to her parents, Phoebe ordered her servants to leave her alone. She wants to cry out all her sadness and fears that was building up inside of her.

She knows that this was her destiny as the Princess of the Kingdom, but she just can’t ease herself from thinking that what if this future husband of her would treat her cruelly that she might want herself to die.

She only knows this prince through the stories that she had heard. She never really talked to him even in the times that she saw him. Phoebe, doesn’t have the slightest ideas about this man that she was about to marry to.

“Why must I feel this way? I should be happy now that I am getting married, but why should I feel this sadness and fear? I can never tell what this Prince might be for I do not know him that much.” She asked herself.

Not that long and tiredness enveloped her whole body making her to fall asleep.
For her a long night have passed and she was awakened in her deep sleep because of the sun’s rays that was beaming through her opened window that she forgot to close last night.

She opened her eyes rubbing it by her hand. Once her view had cleared. She stood up from her bed to her washroom to wash herself up. After she’s done washing herself up. Some maids went inside of her room and fixed her hair for her.

She wore a long royal blue dress that was embroidered with a lot of beautiful flowers at the end. Her long white-silver hair was tied up neatly to her head that looks very elegant. After her hair, the maids put some make ups on her face. The red lipstick matched her pale skin along with her deep-blue eyes that made her sparkling for the person that sees her.

Afterwards, a servant from her father went inside her room to tell her to go see her father for there was something important that she needs to see him for.
Phoebe went to her father’s palace along with her servants following the person that her father sent to give her the details. When she arrived at her father’s palace the guards opened the door and one of the maids announced her arrival.

When she entered the room, she noticed someone who is not really familiar with her. Without any words she continued to walk. As she gets closer to where her father is seated to, her hands won’t stop shaking.

She stopped beside the man that was standing next to her. Not that long that she noticed that this man was the prince of the other kingdom. She gracefully bowed down and gave her greetings to the king and to the prince.

“This princess gives her greetings to you, Your Majesty and to you, Prince Dione of the Rhapsody Kingdom.” She said.

“This prince gives his greetings as well to you, Princess Phoebe of the Swoon Kingdom. It’s my pleasure seeing you again.” Dione said with a smile on his face.

The prince had a strong build that looks good to his posture. Adding to that, his gold and black outfits matches his neatly fixed jet-black hair to his emerald-green eyes and a pinkish lip. With his almost tanned skin color, he was stunning and standing proudly handsome in a way that everybody would look at him from time to time.

“Your Majesty, father, please do not misunderstood this princess, but what is Prince Dione of the Rhapsody Kingdom doing in here? Does the Prince have to something important to talk with you? If so, then please, this princess would excuse herself so that she won’t interrupt your business with him.” Phoebe said while bowing his head.

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