Chapter 25

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Many attended the burial of Promenade, only that time they knew that she had been suffering because of the loss of her child.

The king asked her servant again and again, she refused at first but then told him the truth because she felt sorry for what has happened to Promenade.

Sure, mostly everyone who attended despise her because of her bad attitude and bad doings. She may have done a lot of bad deeds when she was still alive, but they showed respect for her because she fought for the only person that she loved only to meet a tragic ending.

“In order to honor Princess Promenade’s last wish, I king Telesto, hereby give her a title of ‘The First Concubine’ of my son, Prince Dione. It’s not easy decision for me to make, for my son had already pledge that he will only have one woman in his life but as a king I want to at least fulfill Princess Promenade’s last wish.”

Phoebe and Dione already agreed to it when Telesto told them about it. Phoebe understands that Dione had already given his word when he said that he would marry Promenade in front of many people before she slipped and died. It doesn’t matter to her, what only matters to her is that Dione had told her several times that she will be the only woman in his life until this lifetime ends.

The king became the witnessed when Dione said those things to Phoebe. He knows how much Dione had fallen in love with Phoebe so trusted his words.

Later that day, many young maidens wish to become Dione’s concubine. They were from a well-known wealthy family around the kingdom. The king had no choice but to make them all Dione’s concubine. They were expecting that all men are the same and Dione would soon give each one of them a child but they were wrong.

“You all may have been became my concubines but right now, here, in front of each and everyone of you, I Dione Calypso Rhapsody, pledges that will only love Phoebe Helene Swoon-Rhapsody until this lifetime ends. I will not set foot to where these chosen concubines will be living, they will grow old and die without witnessing me set foot on their chambers. And if they were to bear a child, I assure you that the child that they’re bearing inside their womb is not mine. They will be sentenced to death if something like that happens in the near future. And also if I were to break any of this, I shall be executed in front of you all who have witnessed this day.” 

Everyone was surprised to what has Dione said. They fully knew that when he says and pledges something, he, for sure will never break through it. The chosen concubines became mad at Phoebe, they thought that because of her their beloved Prince Dione would not even want to sleep with them in bed.

After that day, many months have passed and Dione didn’t break through the pledge that he had made. He never sets foot at the concubines’ chambers. He only stays with Phoebe and his son Pherrione. Through those months, the small baby’s eyes began to open. He inherited the beautiful emerald-green eyes of his father.

“Look wife. Our son really looks a lot like you. Thank you for giving birth to him, I really love the both of you.” Dione said.

“He may have look a lot like me, but he still inherited your eye color. And this wife is truly happy, for the gods have listened to my prayers.”

“Why? What is it that wife has been praying to the gods?"

“I prayed that at least our child, Pherrione, would inherit his father’s eye color. You know why?”

“Why? What is it?”

“Because I want to see him looking like his father, he may have not inherited your jet-black hair color but at least he has your eye color and that makes this wife really happy.”

“So you want him looking like me? Why? Do you love this husband so much that you even wished to have a son looking like me?”

“I love you, but it’s not like that. I just don’t want him to be teased by people while his growing up. Do you know why? Because I’ve hated myself for being born looking like this. Whenever my parents are not around with me, people often calls me monster for having a different hair color and eye color, even my pale skin. They would always criticize me for looking so different. And I-I don’t want Pherrione to go through that.”

“Shh…No one would dare to say that to our child. I love both, I’ve loved you for looking like that. You were the first person that I’ve seen on whom at first I thought that you were an angel because of how you look. I’ve loved you for what you are and who you are. That’s why when I saw our child on the day that you gave birth to him, I was so happy, my heart was jumping with joy because he looks exactly like you even if his eyes were closed at that time I knew that he really looks like his mother. And I am thanking you for giving birth to an exact copy of you although his eye color were mine, but that’s okay. He still looks like the person which whom I loved the most. I love you both and nothing can change that.”

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