Chapter 21

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The next day, Phoebe had already packed up her stuff. She was ready to leave and go back to the Swoon Kingdom but then suddenly, Dione came rushing to her.

“Wife, do not leave me.” He said as he embraced Phoebe unto his arms.

“This wife has already decided that I will go back to Swoon Kingdom. Please be happy without me and continue to live on your life.”

“But…But-I don’t want to lose either you or that child inside you…”

Phoebe took Dione’s hands of her and stared straight unto his eyes. “Then why do you let other woman touch you? Why do you not care on whether what they do to you? If you do not want to lose this wife and this child, then you must know that you should never break your words to the king and to me.”

“Wife, this husband knows that he had done wrong so I’m begging you, please forgive me. I didn’t know that something like this might happen because of my actions.” Dione said and kneeled in front of her.

Phoebe started to feel pain, luckily Dione quickly responded and catch her before she fell. “AHH! IT HURTS SO MUCH!”

“Your Majesty, Princess Phoebe’s now giving birth.” Baleful said as she rushed towards Phoebe.

“Call the doctor immediately.” Dione said.
“Yes, Your Majesty.” The guards said.

Meanwhile, Baleful prepared the bed on where Phoebe could lie down. Dione carried her there, he feels both excited and worried that he’ll finally see his child but at the same time he’s worried for Phoebe safety.

The doctor came quickly, the servants covered the whole bed with curtain, leaving Baleful, Phoebe along with the doctor and his assistant inside. “Your Majesty, it’s better for you to wait outside.” The doctor said.

Upon waiting outside, he heard Phoebe’s cries and along with those cries are the pains that she’s enduring. The king and queen together with his sister Caly also came, they all waited outside and hoped for both Phoebe and the child’s safety.

After a long wait, they finally heard the newborn child’s cry. The doctor finally went out to tell them the news. All four of them rushed inside to see Phoebe and her child. They saw her with the baby who is lying down next to her.

It was a very handsome baby boy. His eyes were closed at that moment, he had a very beautiful white-silver hair like his mother. His soft cries filled the whole room. He had a white skin but not as white as his mother’s.

Wrapped in a red-silk cloth, Dione carefully lift him up and let him rest unto his arms. He was so happy to see the child on which he calls his own, from his flesh and blood. From that moment he was sure is happy and thankful to have a son that looks exactly like his mother.

“Thank you for giving birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy, daughter Phoebe.” The queen said.

“You better take good care of them Dione, you should always protect and keep them safe.” Telesto said.

“Congratulations sister Phoebe, you’ve become a mother before I do. It’s a good thing though, I’ll have someone to play with before I went off to marry into another kingdom.” Caly said.

After a long chat, the three of them left leaving both Phoebe and Dione with their newborn child alone in the room. Dione placed the baby back beside Phoebe.

“Do you still wish to leave me wife?” He asked.

“This wife is not meant for you to stay with you forever. Husband should find a new woman who knows him better and loves him more. This wife will go back to the Swoon kingdom with this child, do not worry for this wife will not leave any traces of me here in this kingdom before I leave.”

“Please wife don’t do that! Don’t leave me wife, I want to be with you. I want to be with you and our child. Please don’t go. I’ll do anything, just don’t leave me.”

“You’ll do anything?”

“Yes, yes anything.”

“Fine, then let me and my child go. I don’t want to live with you anymore.”

“No, please anything but that! Please!”

“J-just leave now, wife wants to rest.”

Dione did not say another word again and left. He knows how hard it is to give birth to a child and he doesn’t want to stressed Phoebe. He doesn’t know what to do, all he wants is Phoebe to stay with him forever.

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