Chapter 20

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He embraced Phoebe tightly, never letting her go. The guard quickly took the sword and escorted Promenade to her chambers who could not even stand on her feet.

“Wife, listen to me!” Dione said while embracing his wife.

“I promise that I will never have any woman in my life other than you. You are the only woman that I am going to grow old with in this lifetime.” He continued.

“Make sure to keep that promise or I’ll be the one to kill you.”

“I promise!”

“Now, let go of me.”

Dione let her go thinking that Phoebe had already calmed down. But then, Phoebe slapped him on both sides of his face before turning her back away from him.

“Do not enter our chambers, I do not want to see your face.” Phoebe said.

She walked so fast that Dione could not even follow her, upon reaching their chambers she ordered the guards and servants to not let Dione enter the place.

She left Dione outside until the dusk. Dione was begging her from outside to let him in, he apologized over and over but Phoebe was deaf to hear his apology.

Until morning, Dione slept outside, even the maids were ordered to not give him anything to protect himself from the cold. She wants him to learn his lesson upon letting Promenade do such things.

She opened her window and saw Dione already kneeling outside. “Phoebe, please forgive me!”

“Husband? Have you learned your lesson yet?”

“Phoebe, Please! I’m sorry!”

“Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! That is not the answer that I want. Do you want this wife to repeat it again?”

“Yes! I have learned my lesson.”



“Hmm…Let me think about it.”

She closed her window and headed towards the dining area where her breakfast is already waiting for her prepared by Baleful. Who is currently standing behind her while she eats.

“Come sit here Baleful, join me.”

Baleful did not hesitate to accept Phoebe’s offer and sat on the chair on the side of the table. Phoebe gave her some food and signed her to eat.

“Princess? Can I ask you something?” Baleful said.

“What is it?”

“Why are you doing that to Prince Dione? He’s your husband, but why are you punishing him?”

“I just want him to get punished.”

“But why?”

“Look Baleful, You’re the only person that I’m telling this. Yesterday, while I was on my way to see him from his meeting from the king. I saw him let Princess Promenade hug him, for a long time he did not even took off her hands from him. He was even hesitating on whether he would hug her back.” She stopped and place down her spoon.

“When he finally decided to take off Princess Promenade hands off him. He spoked to her but I didn’t hear what it was. Then Princess Promenade clung unto his neck, if I didn’t grab her she would have kissed him. I-I just can’t accept the fact that he just let Princess Promenade do those kinds of things to him. I mean who am I to say this but, I’ve only known him for months compared to how long they’ve known each other. Maybe he doesn’t even care for me nor the child that I am bearing right now. You know what? I’ll just try to talked to King Telesto, I want to go back to my parents. I do not want to be here. I always feel that I-I don’t belong here. Maybe I should go back to the place where I truly belong.” She said as her voice began so sound cracked and tears fell down from her eyes.

She quickly wiped those tears away and smiled to Baleful. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to see me like this, I just…just.”

Baleful stood up from her seat and rushed towards her and embraced her into her arms. “Shh---It’s okay princess, I am here for you, always.”

She hugged Baleful back. Baleful patted her head while her tears continuously fell down from her eyes. Meanwhile, Dione have heard it all. He was trying to get in from the window when he heard Baleful ask Phoebe. He didn’t know that Phoebe was feeling that way.

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