Chapter 8

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Birds chirping cheerfully outside the window woke Phoebe in her sleep. She couldn’t move her body since Dione’s arms are wrapped around her. She gently removed his other arm and turn to see this Prince’s face on his sleep.

She stared on his face, brushing back his jet-black hair that was on his face. His faced wrinkled that made her smile. Phoebe touched his face and his wrinkled face straightened. Following the line of Dione’s nose by her finger, his eyebrows, his eyelids. She even touched his lips that made him wake up.

“Is there something wrong with my face, wife?” he said.

Taking her hand back to her she spoke, “There is nothing wrong with your face, Prince Dione. This princess only wants to touch her husband’s face. Please forgive this princess.”

“Wife, you haven’t done anything to be forgiven. If wife wanted to touch this husband’s face, then wife can do so.” Dione said while gently caressing Phoebe’s face.

Silence filled the room as Phoebe touches her husband’s face. Moments later, one of the maids, Baleful knocked unto the door breaking the silence between the two of them.

“Your Majesties, your bath is now ready.” She said from the other side of the door.

“Wife, we should wash ourselves now.” Dione said.

“Husband is right. We should wash ourselves now.” Phoebe replied.

“Wife should take shower first husband will be here outside to wait for you.” Dione said with a smile on his face.

“If that is what husband wants, then this wife will be taking a shower first.” Phoebe said before going to the bathroom.

Moments have passed after Phoebe had gone to the bathroom. A little later she went out looking pretty dazzling on wearing a silk-black dress, embroidered with blue colored flowers that matches the color of the sky.

She comfortably sat on an old but classy looking sofa that was placed facing the window. Meanwhile, after she finished, Dione went next to the bathroom to wash himself. A long and another tiring day is waiting for him.

He was ordered by the king to meet him for some important business. It has something to do with Princess Promenade who had caused a big embarrassing scene during the wedding celebration.

“Did this husband made wife wait for so long?” Dione said after going out from the bathroom.

Dressed in silk-green with a black lining in each of its opening. He knelt down on his one knee, holding the hand of her wife and then kissing the back of it. Staring with his emerald-green eyes with such deep passion that made Phoebe’s face turn beet red.

“Wife, would you forgive this husband, for this husband wants wife to be with me ever seconds, every minute and every hour. This husband wants to know every single small detail about wife. Would you accept my selfish request wife?” Dione said.

“If that is what husband wants, then this wife will accept husband’s request full heartedly.” Phoebe said.

Slightly standing from her seat she hugged Dione whose eyes is sparkling with happiness. Dione hugged her back, when they let go of each other’s embrace, Dione kissed her on her forehead before standing up.

“Wife, I was ordered by the king to meet with him today. If you don’t mind, will you go with me?”

“This wife gladly accepts husband’s invitation. This wife will go with you.”

Happiness once again beamed on Dione’s face. He already knew that for the first time he saw this woman in front of him, he knew that she is the only one that is truly right for him.

Walking out of the room, together with the servants whose following them from behind they reached the king’s palace. Guards opened up the door and announced their arrival.

“Your Majesty, what is it that you want to talk with me?” Dione said

“Oh, I see that you’ve brought your beautiful wife with you. It’s a good thing that you are here Princess Phoebe. We will have to wait a little until Princess Promenade comes here.” King Telesto said.

“It is my pleasure to be here, Your Majesty.” Phoebe said slightly bowing her head.

After minutes of waiting Promenade walked through the door. Without any other words for the people around her, she spoke without even hesitating.

“Your Majesty, I am here in front of you to make a request. I want to be married to Prince Dione.” She said shamelessly.

“Princess, do you understand what you are saying right now?” Telesto asked.

“Yes, I am certain. Please grant me my wish.” Promenade said.

“You know that I can never do that?”  Telesto said.

“Princess, I am now married to Princess Phoebe. She, alone is enough for me.” Dione said, then he grabs Phoebe’s hand.

“You’ve heard it Princess. My son doesn’t want another woman in his life. You should find someone else whose is worthy of your love.” The king said.

Promenade doesn’t want to believe on what they are saying. After all, she’s making herself believe into something that has never happened and never been true.

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