Chapter 9

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“Then, I shall be your concubine Prince Dione. I shall be with you forever I do not care if you have Phoebe in your life just let me be your concubine.” She said.

“Enough Princess! I do not want any other woman in my life. My wife, Princess Phoebe is enough for me. I do not want you or anyone else.” Dione said coldly.

“Now do understand Princess? You can’t just force someone to love you. You’ve heard my son clearly, right? Now I want you to refrain yourself until you stop on doing these kind of stuffs. If you care for your father’s name, then please do what you’ve been told to do.” Telesto said.

“But, if you grant me this request of mine, I assure you that I will stop doing all these things. After all I am sent here to marry someone from this royal family, right? And if I’m not mistaken I was the one that’s going marry Prince Dione. So why can’t you grant this request of mine?” Promenade said boldly.

“You are indeed correct Princess. But I am not the one that your marrying here in this kingdom. My marriage with Princess Phoebe has been decided long ago before you and I have met each other. It was my cousin Lapetus that you’re marrying, not me. So please princess stop this now.” Dione said without even bothering if his hurting Promenade’s feelings for saying the truth.

“I—NO! You’re just saying those things to make me believe on something that I must not. It has only been a day that you’re both married and I’ll do anything within my power to make you mine.”

“Go on Princess Promenade, after all this princess wants to see you try, I’m pretty sure that my husband, Prince Dione will be easy for you to get, I also truly believe that you could sell your body just to get him in return, right? So why don’t you give it a try, IF YOU CAN PRAY TO THE GODS TO SEE ANOTHER DAY OF YOUR LIFE?” Phoebe said with an evil smile drawn within her beautiful face.

“Huh! He’ll be mine before you even knew.” Promenade said.

She walks out of the room without the king permitting her to leave. All she wants is to destroy Phoebe and Dione’s marriage. She wants Dione all for herself and will do anything just to get him.

“Your Majesty if there is no more that you want to talk to me, shall we take our leave?’ Prince Dione said.

“There is one more thing son, your cousin Lapetus will be returning two days from now from the battle with the eastern kingdom. I want you to tell him, that after a week of his return he’ll marry Princess Promenade, after that both of them will be heading back to Diurnal Kingdom. It was an order from King Diurnal. I want you to speak with him for my behalf. I know that you two are close so I’m pretty sure that he’ll listen to you. You know him very well that even me as a king, he wouldn’t follow my orders and will make his own.” The king said.

“I understand father. Now if you will excuse us, my wife and I will be leaving. Have a good day Your Majesty.”

After the speaking with the king, Dione and Phoebe headed back to their room. Dione has his personal space and so is Phoebe. Doing each ones work quietly, Dione, himself couldn’t help but to look at his lovely wife who is embroidering something.

He would smile and then continues do to his work again. Hours have passed and he was not done yet on what he was doing. Meanwhile, Phoebe went outside the garden area which is located only outside of their room.

She was busy checking out the beautiful flowers, the warm breeze of the air touching her pale skin and the sun’s rays reflecting the beauty of her white-silver long hair. Looking up to the sky with her deep-blue eyes and appreciating the beautiful and relaxing sound of her surroundings.

Dione, himself went out of the room to see his wife. He sure was always captivated by her alluring beauty. Looking at her was the most precious thing that he could do starting from the very first time that he met her.

Slowly walking towards her. From behind he wrapped his arms around his wife’s body and rested his head on her shoulder.

“Is there something wrong?” Phoebe asked.
“There’s nothing wrong wife, just let this husband hugged you for a second.” Dione said.

“If that is what husband wants, then he may do so.”

A moment later, Dione let go of her making her faced him. He was a lot taller than her so whenever Phoebe looks at him, she always raises her head up to meet his eyes.

“Wife, would you really allow this husband to be stolen by Princess Promenade?” Dione asked.

“Did you really believe that this princess would allow that to happen? I know what I am doing and she will never steal you from me. Yes, we may not have known each other for so long, but for the times that I am with you I know that I must be truly responsible for taking care of you for the rest of my life and for not allowing someone to steal you from me.” Phoebe said.

“So why did you gave her permission to try then?”

“Well that’s because this princess wants to see her try so hard that she would beg me to leave you and let her marry you to be your wife instead.” Phoebe said proudly.

“You always exceeds my expectation wife.”

“Why would you say such things husband? This princess is only protecting her place as your wife. Is it wrong to make someone suffer little by little just by trying to take something precious to me now?”
“It is not wrong wife, now come, we’ll be having our lunch. The maids have already prepared it.”

Gradually, Phoebe realizes that her father, didn’t really make a bad decision on making her marry Dione. She now understands, why she must be a good wife to this prince. Even though, at first she was hesitant to be here with him for she wasn’t sure on what kind of man Dione is, but for the past days that she and him were traveling together to this kingdom. She learned new things that she now wants to protect and keep it only for her selfishness.

Dione, for her was now someone that she needs to give all her attention and love just like what she did to her parents when she was living with them. He has now become the most precious thing for her that she needs to protect and keep it all for herself.

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