Chapter 15

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“How’s my lovely wife doing?” Dione said.

“This wife is doing just fine husband.” Phoebe replied.

Every time, when Dione comes back he would always ask Phoebe on how’s she’s doing. Even if he’s at work with the king, he never misses to join his wife into breakfast, lunch and even dinner. He always makes sure if Phoebe’s food and drinks are good for both her and their child.

“Is husband okay? You seemed a bit stressed lately. Is there something bothering you husband?” Phoebe asked as she lies down beside Dione.

“There is nothing wrong wife. I am just thinking, maybe I should accept father’s request to join Lapetus on the army. I think he needs my support. Almost half the number of the deployed soldiers were killed. They needed back up to win the fight against the southern kingdom. They are much stronger than the eastern kingdom and it is not an easy thing to do to defeat them.”

“So, in other words you want to fight together with Lapetus?”

“Yes, but I can’t leave you here wife.”

“Why not? He needs you. I’ll be fine here and I’ll wait for your return.”

“I already expected that you would say that. But please, just this once. Be selfish enough, and do not make me go leaving you here with our child.”

Phoebe was kind a bit of confused when she heard Dione. “What is that you mean husband? I’ll be doing just fine here. You do not have to worry about me. If that is the king wants, then you must follow him.”

Dione already expected those words from Phoebe. He knew that no matter what Phoebe would always think about others before herself. He didn’t say another word again and embraced Phoebe on his arms.

“You should take a rest now husband. I know that you are tired.” Phoebe said before closing her eyes letting sleepiness to envelope her body.

The next morning, Phoebe woke up alone on the bed. she thought that maybe Dione have already left. She went to wash herself to prepare for breakfast. Dressing herself into a light-blue colored dress with some pink beautiful butterflies embroidered on the end. Leaving her hair down and putting on a light-pink colored blush to her cheeks matched with her lips to give color to her pale looking skin.

When she arrived at the dining table, to her surprise she saw Dione already seated and patiently waiting for her. She walked closer towards him and sit on the opposite side. “I thought you already went to the king? It’s really surprising that you didn’t wake me up when you woke up.”

“I already went to his majesty before the dawn. I declined his request to join Lapetus on the battle field.”

“But, I thought he is marrying Princess Promenade when he returned from the past months? Why is he now back to the battle field? He must be with her now, right? Enjoying their life as a married couple.”

“That may be true, but he said he doesn’t want to marry Princess Promenade and choose the battle field over her. He already pledged his life to his majesty that he will never marry anyone from the royal family and will only serve the army to lead it to victory.”

“Then, what does this do to you to decline the king’s request?”

“Well, I want to be here with you. I do not want to leave you and return as a cold body from the horrible scene of the battle field.”

Phoebe can’t hide her smile when she hears those words coming out from Dione’s mouth.

“If that is what you want, then I must support you. It is my duty as your wife to support you into anything that you want.”

“I’ll try to be here with you every second, minutes, and hours to make sure that you are doing fine.”

“Hmm…if the king doesn’t call you to meet with him. am I right?”

“Probably. Well, we must eat now. I’ve worked hard to prepare this breakfast for you.”

“Then, this wife appreciates your hard work.”

Dione smiled to Phoebe and served her the food that he made. He tries his best to hide his fingers from Phoebe’s sight. But it didn’t escape Phoebe, she saw his husbands fingers with some bandages wrapped on the edge and middle of it. She didn’t bother to tell it to him and only smiled for she knew that he got those bandages from preparing this breakfast especially for her.

Before they got married, she asked her father to give her some information about Dione. According to it, Dione doesn’t know how to cook and do some of the household chores. But despite of those things, he is good at archery, animal hunting, swords, battle fields and even his academics are good. He knows a lot of things and chooses to escape the palace just to explore and to widen his knowledge. So, she is surprised that Dione put so much effort onto doing and trying these kinds of stuffs for her.

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