Chapter 14

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A lot of minutes have passed and she excused herself. Telling Phoebe that she is not feeling well. Her head felt like something is crushing it into pieces. So she had to tell Phoebe that she needs to leave.

“Princess Phoebe, I need to leave. I am kind of feeling under the weather today, I just came here to visit and apologize to you. It is nice to be here with you and I wish that we could have some time again together.” Promenade said.

“Okay, it is also nice having you here, Princess Promenade. It is my pleasure to have you here. I’ll let Prince Dione know that you came here to visit.” Phoebe said.

When she saw Promenade walking away far from their chambers she quickly went inside and ordered the servants to clean up the whole place. She knew about poisons and how it works to kill someone silently and she doesn’t want anyone from any of the people that was there to get hurt by Promenade.

Back at her homeland, when her mother is still carrying her on her womb. One of the maids that likes her father secretly poisoned her mother by giving her every day a single cup filled with poison. The maid did not succeed on killing them both. Her mother gave birth to her safely, but because of the poison that she drank when she was pregnant it turned Phoebe’s hair to white-silvered color.

Her father found out about the cruel doings of that servant and sentenced her to death. But then when she was growing up, a lot of person from the well-known families tried to kill her for they are jealous of her beauty and talents that she possesses at very young age. They saw her as a threat to all the daughters in the land when she grew up so every time, they would exchange Phoebe’s drink and even food with a different one without the king and queen knowing.

The king and queen already called the best doctors to examine her but every time before they reach Phoebe, they have already been paid by those people who wants to kill the poor girl. Her parents did not stop on protecting her. Queen Pandora, ordered her most trusted servant to find cure for Phoebe. But sadly, she hasn’t find any. The queen was saddened by that news, when her servant continued to talk that she only found something that would slow down the effect of the poison from Phoebe’s body.

It gave her hope. So whenever Phoebe has drunk or ate something that contains poison, she would always give her that medicine and it supported her life from those past years.

Until she was used to their doings, at a young age she studied medicine including poisons. She was so lucky to survive such things. Those past years that she has been poisoned made her rosy-pinkish skin to turn into pale white. When she knew the information about it from studying, she can easily identify if its poisoned or not.

And that is why she didn’t hesitate to test the powdered tea that Promenade gave her. She felt pity for her for doing such low kind of stuff. She never thought that Promenade would go this low just to take away her place as wife of Dione.

“Dispose that bag of powdered tea immediately. And please wear something that will protect your hands from it. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you or even to any of you here.” Phoebe said.

Baleful wore a thick-layered gloves and the other two guards who is with her. They dug a deep whole and buried it underground with the gloves that they used. Carefully putting the rocks back so that it won’t be noticed that something is buried under.

“Princess, we have disposed of it.” Baleful said.

“Good, you should wash up now and you should take some rest.”

“But, princess? How about you? You should also take a rest now.”

“I’ll wait for Dione. Don’t bother yourself with me and take some rest. Do not worry I’ll just call you if anything happens.”

“If you say so, then I shall take my leave, princess.”

Phoebe nodded to Baleful as she bowed her head before leaving the room leaving Phoebe alone with her books.

Meanwhile, when Promenade reached her chambers. She quickly ordered one of her maids to call a doctor. She felt such terrible pain in her head and in her stomach. She just lay down on her bed waiting for the arrival of the doctor. Not for so long, the doctor came and examined her immediately.

“What is it? Why am I feeling such kind of pain?” she asked.

The doctor felt unsure before speaking. “You are carrying a child in your womb. It has been two months. These pains were caused by so much stress. I recommend you to stay out form things that might take your baby’s life in danger. “

“No! It can’t be! I’m going to take that head of yours if you’re mocking me. Tell me the truth! Tell me!”

“That is the truth. And please, refrain yourself from doing such reckless things. It’s not good for both the of you and the baby. Well, then I shall take my leave. A good day to you Princess Promenade.”

When the doctor left, Promenade quickly stood up from her bed and throw all the stuffs that she sees. She can’t accept the fact that she is bearing a child in her womb. She recalled her memories from the past two months and remembered what happened between her and Delve. She can’t believe that something like that would result to such shameful circumstances.

According to the law of the Royal-family, a woman can’t get pregnant when she is not married yet and that is what she is now. She is not even married yet and she is currently bearing a two months old child on her womb which is not acceptable to all royal families.

Little did she know that her plan on getting rid of Phoebe was unsuccessful. She was the one who had fell for it. The poison was not that easy to be seen immediately and it would take for more than a week or two to be noticed. The poor child on her womb will be the first one to be affected by her cruel decision.

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