Chapter 18

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A month has passed both Phoebe and Promenade are carrying a child inside their wombs. Everybody in the kingdom knows that Phoebe is bearing a child but Promenade only her, her servant and the doctor knows that she is pregnant.

Every time when Promenade walks passed Phoebe and Dione’s place, jealousy always envelopes her whole body. She sees how much Dione is taking good care of Phoebe as if she was a glass that with only one wrong move it will break.

Days flew so fast and the season has change. It became very cold much colder than the past months. Winter has taken its place. Everybody is busy during this time of the year. Dione has been given a lot more paper works than before, he would always pull an all-nighter just to finish it. But despite of his busy schedule, he never misses a single time to be with his wife.

He would always check her if she’s doing fine or if she needs something. “Wife, this husband has always been busy. Would you forgive me if I ask you a favor?”

“What is it that husband wants?” Phoebe said.

“Would you let me cuddle you this night?” Dione said.

Phoebe chuckled a bit upon hearing those words from Dione. “Why would this wife dare not to give that request of yours? Of course you could. Remember, I will always be there to help you no matter what it is.”

Phoebe walked towards their bed, she sits on it and patted the side next to her. “Come here husband, lay down here.”

Dione did not hesitate to lie down beside her. she opened her arms wide letting him in for a hug. While lying beside each other, Phoebe pats Dione’s head making him to fall asleep. She looked at him as he sleeps peacefully on her arms.

“You must have been exhausted. Do not be worry for this wife will always let you sleep like this whenever you’re tired.” She planted a kiss on Dione’s forehead before she closed her eyes and let herself to sleep.

The next morning Dione woke up alone in the bed, he looked around to look for Phoebe but she was nowhere to be found inside the room. He went out of the room and looked surprised when he saw Phoebe in the dining table holding and preparing the foods.

He quickly took the plates on Phoebe’s hands and put it down to the table. “What are you doing? You should not do these things. You should have woken me up. You know that it is not good for you to---“

“Shhh…I just wanted to make something for you that’s all. And I didn’t bother to wake you up because I know how tired you are, now if you would be so kind please just sit there and wait for me to finish preparing these.”


“No more buts, please allow me to do this. Do not worry I have Baleful to help me.” Phoebe said before going back to the kitchen to get more of the foods that she prepared.

Dione couldn’t reply to what has Phoebe said. He knows that he worries too much for Phoebe’s safety but then he also knows that if he interferes with what she’s doing it might result to what has happened before and he doesn’t want that to happen again.

He watched as Phoebe walked back and forth with plates in her hands that contains a different types of dish. When she finished, she sat on the chair in the opposite side of Dione.

“I’ve prepared that only for you so you should eat it.” Phoebe said while smiling.

She stared at Dione as he took a spoonful bite of the dish that she prepared for him. She watched him as he ate. “How’s is it? Does it taste weird?”

“No, this husband likes it.”

“Do you want this wife to prepare something for you something?”

“Do what you want wife. But please, this husband reminds you that you should not overwork yourself.”

“I know. This wife knows that. Do not worry about me I can take care of myself and this child.” She said and looked at Dione again who is currently giving her a suspicious look.

“Husband, please do not look at me like that. Do you not believe on what I’ve said?”

“I believe you. This husband believes you.”


“Yes! I truly believe you.”

“Okay. Please tell me what you want for dinner later and I’ll make it for you.”


“Please, I have Baleful to help me with it.”

“Fine. I’ll let you know later. I really needed to go now. The king is waiting for me. Thank you for the food. I’ll see you later.” He said.

Dione stood up and walked towards Phoebe giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving. To Phoebe’s surprised Dione ate all the food that she served him. A smile made its way to her face and ordered Baleful to help her with the plates.

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