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A small voices said. “Mother! Mother!”

“What is it? I thought you were both having a lesson today? What are you two doing here?” Phoebe asked.

“I-I tried to stop them mother, but they don’t even listen to me.” Pherrione said as he holds his chest while speaking to his mother.

“That’s okay, Pherrione. It’s fine.” Phoebe said. “Demerre, Demenne, what is it that you’re both in a rush to come here?” she added as she faced the two children.

“Mother, Demerre and I just wanted to give you this. Come on Demerre, give it to mother.” Demenne said.

“Okay---what is it?” she asked.

“Here mother.” Demerre handed over a small piece of red-silk fabric. It was embroidered with yellow butterflies. The two children smiled at each other when they saw their mother accept their gift.

“Where did you get this?”

“We asked father to buy that for you. We want to make you happy.” Demerre replied.

“Pherrione, do you know about this?”

“No, I-I don’t….”


“Yes, yes mother, I knew about it. They told me not to tell you about it.”

“That’s fine. Come here.”

The three boys moved closer and she embraced the three of them. She sure was blessed for having another child that looks like their father, and not just only one, but two. They both inherited Dione’s jet-black hair and his skin color. Their eyes were the same as hers, deep-blue colored eyes.

“Oh, why do you only embrace mother? Where is my hug?” Dione said walking from behind.


Both the twins went to him giving him a big hug. Later that day, when the night approached. After     eating a dinner together, their three sons went to sleep early. Dione and Phoebe were left at the living room.

Phoebe stood up by the window watching the beautiful moon in the sky, Dione also stood up and walked towards her. He wrapped his arms unto her waist and looked up in the sky.



“Thank you for being with me. Thank you for giving me such wonderful kids. You don’t know how happy I am to spend the rest of my life with all of you. I really love you all so much. I love you wife.”

“I love you too, and our three sons. I love all of you. I feel like I am the happiest person right now in this lifetime and there’s nothing that could ever be compared my love for you and for our children.”

Dione had kept his word when he said that he would never step a foot on where all his concubines are living.

He was happy and contented that he has Phoebe in his life, together with their three children.

He became the king of the Rhapsody Kingdom, along with Phoebe who's crowned the queen. And together they both lived a happy life together with their sons.


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