Chapter 17

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Days have past and nothing has changed except the fact that both Dione and Phoebe became close to each other as they continue to know each other. Phoebe would drink the half of the tea that’s served to her and Dione would drink the other half.

Promenade became one of their witnesses on how both they are getting well to each other. She became jealous even more, hatred became the only thing that envelope her whole personality whenever she sees or heard a thing about Phoebe.

“Princess, the king has an important event tonight. He wishes all of the people in the castle to be there. Am I going to prepare your dress? What would you like to wear?” the maid informed Promenade.

“Oh! Is that so, prepare my most beautiful dress and I shall attend tonight event. Let’s see if Dione would still look at Phoebe when he sees how beautiful I am. HAHAHA!” Promenade said.

She expects so much and is confident that this time she will win Dione’s heart. Wearing a deep-blue dress, with a matching deep-blue pair of shoes. She ordered her servants to tie her hair neatly. Putting on a red lipstick and a pink blush to her cheeks. Because of her low neck-styled dress a part of her cleavage is on the view.

Proudly looking at the mirror, she holds too much confidence that she is the most beautiful woman in tonight’s event. Assisted by her servant they went to the area where the event is being held. When she arrived, all men admired her beauty while she walks down the aisle to her designated seat.

When she sat down, the guard announced the arrival of Dione and Phoebe, her blood boiled when she saw Phoebe. Phoebe was wearing a dark-green dress embroidered with pink butterflies at the end of it. Half of her hair was tied up neatly. Her lips were red as rose, rosy cheeks that made her look natural. Dione was wearing the same color suit as Phoebe’s which made them look envious to all the people who attended.

Once all of them were seated on their designated seats the king started his speech and afterwards propose a toast to celebrate the pregnancy of Phoebe. One by one, the people went to Phoebe and Dione’s table to congratulate the both of them. Putting on a fake smile on her face she went to their table.

“I, congratulate both Prince Dione and Princess Phoebe for finally having a child. I hope you’re your child will be born healthy.” Promenade said, intentionally showing her cleavage while bowing in front of them.

Dione looked at Phoebe and took her hands, boldly showing it off to Promenade before he looks at her again and replying what she had said. “Thank you Princess Promenade. I assure you that our child will be born healthy for I am going to take good care of them both.”

Pissed off, she went back to her seat leaving Phoebe and Dione. For the whole time she was watching the both of them shared the same drink and food. Phoebe would drink/ate the half and Dione will drink/ate the other half.

“Husband?” Phoebe said.


“Is Princess promenade still looking at us?”

“Yes she is wife. Why?”

“Oh, nothing really. I just felt…you know…uncomfortable about it.”

“Don’t be wife.”

“Hmmm…so why did you held my hand earlier when she’s in front of us? She is obviously showing off her cleavage I your view.” Phoebe said and a smirk formed into her face as she looks at Dione.

“Well, it’s to show her that I am only yours. No one could ever take me away from you.”

Phoebe nodded in disbelief of what Dione has said. She sure knows that this man in front of her treats as the woman only for him. Dione once more held her hand and never letting go of it until the event ended.

Until they went back to their chambers Dione did not let go of her hand. He even carried her to their bed and cover her with blanket.

“This wife hasn’t wash yet. I also haven’t changed my clothes yet.”

“Shhh…you should sleep.”

“Why? I am not feeling sleepy yet. Besides I have to finish something.”

“Finish it tomorrow, for you have to take some rest.”

“Aren’t husband going to sleep yet?”

Dione sighed and sat down on the bed beside her. he reached for his book that is sitting on the table beside their bed. opening it and holding it on his other hand while his other hand pats Phoebe’s head.

“Husband, what’re you reading?”

He stopped reading his book and looks at Phoebe. “Oh! This is a story about a father and son. Why wife is there something wrong?”

“No, but what if this child in my womb is a girl? Would you hate her for being a girl and not being a boy?”

“Shhh…don’t say such things. No matter what the baby’s gender is, I will accept it. I love you and that child inside you. So do not worry yourself too much.” Dione said.

He put back his book on the table, covered himself with the same blanket and bringing Phoebe in his arms. Gently placing a kiss on her forehead. “You should sleep wife. It is not good for both you and the baby.”

I love you too. I am happy that I am bearing our child and I will never let anything happen that might hurt our child.’ Phoebe thought to herself before tiredness and sleepiness enveloped her whole body.

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