Chapter 3

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“No, My Princess, of course not. You may raise your head.” The king said

“Yes, Father.”

“Prince Dione is here to take you with him to the Rhapsody Kingdom. His parents, King Telesto and Queen Rhea wants to meet you. They wanted to hold the wedding as early as possible.” Her father said.

“They want to held the wedding in their Kingdom. I’m sorry to say my daughter, but you needed to pack your things now and leave before the dusk. Your mother, the queen and I will see you off.” The king continued.

“But I thought I had a week to stay here with you before I leave?” she asked.

“You must understand My Princess. I’ve told your servants to pack your important things already. You could decide whether you would bring some of your things that’s not packed yet. That’s all that I wanted to see you. You can go now.”

“Yes, Father. This princess understands what you have said.” Phoebe said before leaving her father’s palace.

Phoebe went back to her chambers and saw some of her things neatly packed on the corner of her room. She sat down to her bed and opened the drawer of the table sitting beside her bed. Pulling out her self-made books, she stood up and put those books inside one of the luggage.

After a while of deciding what other things she will bring with her. One of the maids announces the entry of her mother. She composed herself as her mother walked inside the room. Pandora was holding a square box in her hands. She sat to Phoebe’s bed and patted the seat next to her.

Phoebe didn’t hesitate to do so and sat beside her mother. Her mother Pandora was genuinely smiling to her. She could tell that her mother is sad by the looks of her eyes even if she’s showing that genuine smile on her face.

“This is for you my baby. It’s my wedding gift for you. I know that once you enter that castle, it’ll be hard to see you again so I’m giving this to you, so that whenever you misses us you could always feel that we’re with you.” Pandora said handing out the square box that she has in her hands.

“Can I open It?”

“Yes of course.”

Phoebe opened the box and saw a small painting of her together with her parents. Her eyes burst into tears as she saw the picture. Her mother hugged her tight while gently patting her back.

“Mother, I will miss both you and father.” She said as she hugs her mother.

“Shhh-I know. Be a good wife to your becoming husband, Prince Dione. Make this mother proud.” Her mother said trying to lessen her sadness.

She let go of her mother’s embrace and wiped her tear away from her face. Putting a smile in her lips she stood up and took the painting emplaced it to where it was before. Both of them went out of the room, the servants followed them carrying Phoebe’s luggage.

The both of them walked to the carriage that was waiting for her where Prince Dione is also standing, waiting for her arrival. The king was also standing there, meters away from Prince Dione. Once they reached the carriage Phoebe gave her last farewells to her parents and hugged them tight before getting on the carriage.

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