Chapter 13

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“How’s my wife?” Dione asked as the doctor stepped outside the room.

“She’s fine, Prince, you need to take good care of her. She’s been about two months pregnant. Congratulations! You’ll be a father.” The doctor said.

“Are you sure? Are you not mistaken? Does my wife really carries our child?"

“Yes, now I will take my leave. Please excuse me. Have a good day.” The doctor said and takes his leave after bowing to Dione.

After the royal family doctor left, Dione quickly went inside the room to check if Phoebe is awake. When he entered the room he saw his lovely wife sitting on the bed, already awake and looking out on the window. He slowly walked towards her and sits on the bed, taking Phoebe’s hand and kissing the back of it.

“Wife, this husband is really sorry for saying those kinds of things to you. I did not let you explain and unconcernedly spoke those without even knowing that I might hurt your feelings. Please forgive this husband. I will never do anything again to hurt you.” Dione said as he stared straight into her eyes.

“This wife forgives you husband.” Phoebe said and smiled.

“Wife, you should never overwork yourself, you should…”

“I know, this wife have heard it all.”

“*sigh* Now you should take a rest. It is not good for you to stay up for so long. I’ll be outside doing my work. If you need anything just call me.”

Before leaving the room, he kissed Phoebe on the forehead. He gently lay her back down on the bed and walked outside the room.

Meanwhile, before the doctor left the palace, Promenade saw him coming out from Phoebe and Dione’s chambers. She quickly blocked his way. Cornered him and forced him to tell her why he was called by Dione. The doctor didn’t want to tell her, but Promenade threatened him that she would kill him if he doesn’t tell her.

After knowing that Phoebe is bearing a child. She quickly thought of a plan to get rid of both Phoebe and the child on her womb. She wants Phoebe to be gone. And that is the only way that she could think of. She went back to her chambers with a big evil smile on her face.

After that day, she woke up early to prepare her plan on getting rid of both Phoebe and the baby on her womb. She went to the forbidden market ‘The Ebony Commodity’, in which everything that is sold there was illegal and is used on killing people.

She was so determined to do those kinds of things in order for her to be with Dione. Later on, she went back to the palace without anyone knowing except her personal maid that served her for such a very long time.

Putting a fake smile unto her face, she went to Phoebe and Dione’s chambers bringing the tea powder that is already mixed with poison. The guards announced her arrival and Phoebe let her in.

“What is Princess Promenade doing in here? It is quite surprising to see you coming here without even us knowing. Also, Prince Dione, my husband is not here. He is currently with his majesty, the king. And I see that you have something that you’ve brought with you.” Phoebe said with a smile on her face while looking at the tea pot that Promenade was carrying in her hands.

Promenade gave her such sweet smile before speaking. “I have brought some tea powder, I heard that you like to drink teas. And I am not here for Prince Dione, I am here to make it up and apologize to you for the things that I have done.”

“Oh is that it? Why don’t you hand that tea to me and I’ll make something to eat while we drink it.”

Promenade handed the tea to Phoebe’s maid Baleful, and Phoebe went to make something to eat. While sitting on the couch, Promenade was already imagining things that will happen after Phoebe is gone and thought that this current room that she’s in will be hers. Well, that is what she thinks.

During that same time, Phoebe was sensing that Promenade is acting kind of strange so she told Baleful to get a silver spoon. She then poured hot water to the tea powder and dipped the silver spoon, she was not surprised when it turned into a very dark gray.

“Baleful, listen. Wash your hands carefully. It’s poisoned! That tea is poisoned. You must not touch it again without precautions. She wants me dead huh? Well she messed with the wrong person.”

Phoebe carefully mixed the tea with the sweets that she is making. Before serving it to Promenade she made sure that only Promenade is the one who’s going to eat that sweets mixed with the poisoned tea.
“Princess, I am sorry for making you wait.” Phoebe said while putting down the tea and sweets on the table.

Promenade thought that it was so easy to trick Phoebe into something that would make herself killed. “You are so clueless, to think that you would fall instantly into my plan.” She thought to herself before smiling and responding to Phoebe. “Oh, please don’t be. I am not bothered by it anyways.”

“Okay then, have some of these sweets. I especially made them just for you. This princess appreciates you for being here, and to show my gratitude, I have made this sweet, much tastier more than those I usually make.”

“Thank you.”

Promenade began to eat the sweets that Phoebe gave her. She didn’t have the slightest idea that the poison she brought with her was mixed in that such beautiful and tasty thing that she was currently eating. It made her quite happy to see Phoebe drunk the whole cup of tea and refills it again. She thought that Phoebe is so stupid for not noticing such kind of things, so she ate all the sweets that Phoebe made for her without drinking even a single drop from the tea that is served in front of her.

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