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A message from the author:

First I would like to thank you all for reading my-I don't know....not so really chinese novel that you can call but yeah! Thank you, I am truly happy that you spend at least seconds-minutes of your time just to read this story...本当にありがとうぐさいます。I am really happy and grateful. Thank you. To tell you the truth, I am not really good at english, though I practice and study really hard to become good at it, so please do not judge me HAHAHA, I just want to enhance my knowledge and practice my grammars more on how to construct a proper english sentence because I truly sucks at it and it is really embarrassing HAHAHAHA but that's okay everybody makes mistakes and we learn from it. Nah-there's no person who's born perfect, だから大丈夫です...and again THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ありがとうごさいます! 私はみんなを愛しています!❤

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