Chapter 7

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Everyone was shocked by Phoebe’s actions. Not only that she’s beautiful, she also knows how to defend herself to someone who wronged her. Everybody thought that she was a wild tiger who is ready to kill at any moment that time.

Her eyes raging in fire, she was really angry at how Princess Promenade insulted her homeland, but despite of the anger that build up inside her, she never lost her cool posture in front of everyone after slapping Promenade.

“How dare you say those things to me? How dare you slap me? Do you not know who I am?” Promenade said while holding the part of her face where Phoebe slapped.

“That is enough Princess Promenade! Leave this place right now. You should know your place better. You know that you’re only here because I allowed it. You also know that I can make you leave this kingdom in an instant right?” The king said.

“But father….”

“ENOUGH! Aren’t you embarrassed for what you’re doing right now? Guards, please escort the princess to her chamber she needs to rest and reflect on her wrong doings.” Telesto said.

The guards followed what the king had said, holding both the arms of Promenade they force her to turn around from the royal family facing the other guests. But then Promenade manage to escape their hold, and turned back to face the king again.

“Remember this! You may not want me for Prince Dione, but I will do anything within my power to be his wife, for I am the one that he truly loves.” Promenade said before leaving the room.

“I would like to apologize for what has Princess Promenade have done to you Princess Phoebe and to all of you here with us, please do not let that matter to ruin this whole celebration.” The queen said calmly.

“This princess understands, Your Majesty. This princess will not let this matter ruin this celebration.” Phoebe said and bowed her head to show her respect.

“Let us now continue.” The king said.

The whole celebration went on, all of them continue to have fun. Until then, it was the end of the celebration. One-by-one the guest leaves the palace leaving their wishes for the newly wedded couple.

After all the guests have gone home, the only left at the place was the royal family. The newly married couple were the first to leave before the king and queen covenantal to the tradition of the royal family. Caly was escorted to her chambers after her mother and father leave.

Meanwhile, Dione and Phoebe were alone together in a big room. This room will serve as their personal space for privacy. Maids and guards are standing outside the door. All the lights that gives brightness to the room were all closed leaving the two persons to make love to each other in order to give heir for the throne.

The both of them may not love each other already but, they both knew that it will take time and a right time will come for that moment. They knew that when that time comes it will be not hard for the both of them to tell the words ‘I Love You’ to each other. Therefore, even if they do not love each other, they are already responsible to make heir to pass on for the throne.

During the same time, Promenade was locked up to her chambers, she was not allowed to go out of her room until she learns and reflects on her mistakes. It was the kings order to not let her out. The king knew that if she’s free to go out, she would do anything to cause a huge scene that would make all people believe that Phoebe stole Dione from her.

A guard named Delve Enceladus, a good friend of Prince Dione, was the one in charge to watch her. He was standing all poised outside Promenade’s door when he heard the lady scream. He then hurried to come inside to see what has happened. He saw Promenade laying on the for holding a bottle of liquor on her left hand.

Her clothes were pulled down to her waist leaving her upper body naked showing her bare chest on the view. Delve moved fast to get her blanket and covered her with it. He gently carried her to her bed. He was about to leave when Promenade held his hand and pulled him to her bed.

She kissed him without hesitation. She thought that Delve was Dione. She then undressed herself and undressed the man that she has mistaken for someone else. Time passed by and they both made love to each other. Promenade really thought that Dione was the man that she was with that night.

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