Chapter 19

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Dione went to the king’s court, his majesty wanted to meet up with him to discuss something about the event on the spring season that will take place outside the kingdom.

“Your majesty, Prince Dione is here.”

“Let him in.” The king said. Dione walked down the aisle and bowed down to give his greetings to the king.

“Raise your head, I have some important things for you to say.”

“What is it father?”

“You might already know about this, it’s about the spring season.”

“The Animal Hunting Season? Is that it?”

“Yes. About that, I can’t be there, even your mother. The other kingdoms from other lands have made an important event for that time. Me and your mother are required to go there. I’ll leave you in charge throughout the whole Animal Hunting Season.”

“For how many days, father?”

“About a week or two. And if I am not mistaken the Animal Hunting Season has already ended upon our return.”

“You are right about that father. I’ll be sure to make the whole Animal Hunting Season a success.”

“Thank you, Son.”

“Yes. Father, if there is nothing else that you would tell me, shall I take my leave then?”

“Yes that is all, you may go.”

Dione took his leave and went back to their chambers. While on his way, he passed Promenade’s chambers but did not notice her presence. Promenade ran as quickly as she can to catch up with him. she blocked his way, and gave Dione a hug.

“What are you doing princess?”

Promenade did not let go of him and even tightened her hug more. “Please, just let me hug you. Just this once. Please I want to be with you. I want you to make me yours. I want you to make me your woman. Please Dione! I’m begging you! I cannot live without you Dione.”

“Princess, I thought we’ve already talked about this matter? I thought I’ve made myself clear to you that the only woman in my life is Phoebe and no one else.”

“But you don’t love her! You’re only saying that because your making yourself believe that you love her. you haven’t known each other for a long time, unlike me. I was there with you all the time. But why didn’t you choose me?” Promenade said as tears began to fall down from her eyes.

Dione removed her hands from him before speaking. “Princess, you are the only one that believes in something that isn’t true. You knew it for a long time that I can’t be with you for you are already betrothed to my cousin. You already knew that I have someone that I’ll marry, and that someone is not you.”

From where the both of them are standing, Phoebe could already see them from afar. She was on her way to see Dione after meeting with his father Telesto. Taking steps towards the both of them, she could clearly see what’s happening.

Promenade clung on Dione’s neck and pulling him closer towards her for a kiss. It was only few inches away when Phoebe reached them and grabbed Promenades hair and then slapping her face. Dione was surprised and froze for a moment before grabbing Phoebe’s hand and pulling her into his arms to stop her.

“Wife stop, it’s not good for both you and the child.” Dione said as he wraps his arms into Phoebe’s waist from behind.

Phoebe could not think of anything else from that moment, she held Dione’s hand before speaking coldly. “Let go of me Dione! Before I decide to slice you into pieces.”

Dione could not do anything and his hands slowly fell down, letting go of Phoebe. A guard rushed towards them when he saw Phoebe signaled him to come to them. Phoebe pulled the sword from the guard’s waist and pointed it to Promenade which made her kneeled on her knees.

“I thought my husband had made himself clear to you? Are you dumb? Do you want me to slice your head open and replace your brain with a smart one?” Phoebe said coldly.

“Phoebe, I’m begging you! I-I just want to be with him. Please let me be with him. I love him more than anything else. I cannot not live without him.” Promenade said.

“Princess Phoebe. Do not address me so casually! You cannot live without him, you say? Then fine I’ll take your life now!” She draws the sword aiming for Promenade’s head.

Promenade screamed in fear and begged for mercy. Luckily, before the sword reached Promenade, Dione had stopped Phoebe’s hand.


“No! I don’t want you to kill someone just because you’re mad. You could slap me all you want but I’m never going to let your hands get dirty by killing someone.” He turned Phoebe around to face him, making her to let go of the sword.

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