Chapter 10

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“Wife, how’s the food?” Dione asked.
“It is delicious. Did husband told the maids to prepare this?”

“Yes indeed. Remember when we are traveling, I asked your favorite dish, right?”

“Oh, so that’s why all of the dishes that is serve here are my favorites. You’re so clever for doing such thing, but then, thank you. This princess appreciates it so much.”

After finishing their lunch, both of them walked around the whole kingdom. Phoebe wants to be familiarize with the whole place.

Reaching Promenade’s chambers, she clearly seen Dione walking but didn’t notice that Phoebe was with him. She ran as fast as she could to catch up with him. She boldly pulled his right hand that made him stopped and turned around to look at the person who held him.

“Are you here to see me Prince Dione?”
Phoebe, poking out her head from the back of Dione made Promenade to let go of his hand.

“Oh, I see. You are with her. What brings you here then?” She said.

“Nothing really, this princess is only familiarizing the whole kingdom, and this is a surprise to see you here. Well not that really surprising but if you will be so kind, we will now excuse ourselves. My husband and I are having fun touring the whole place, so would you mind if we leave now? This princess doesn’t want someone like you to ruin this afternoon of us for you already ruined our morning.” Phoebe said sarcastically.

“WHY YOU—come here and do not hide yourself at the back of Dione! Let me slap that face of yours.” Promenade said angrily.

But before she could lay her finger to Phoebe the maids have already held her hands and stopped her for doing such thing.

“Let go of me! Don’t you know who I am? Huh?” She said, struggling from the maid’s grips.

“We excuse ourselves now, Princess. Have a good day.” Phoebe said.

“Husband, please do not mind her. Shall we continue?” Phoebe added.

“Huh—Oh, yes! Do not be bothered of Princess Promenade, we must reach our chambers before dusk.” Dione said.

The maids followed Dione’s order and they continued leaving Promenade behind without any other words for her. The maids chuckled quietly after seeing Promenade’s look on her face. They are now relieved that she has now found someone that matches her and could stop her from doing such shameful things.

Before Phoebe’s arrival, they used to serve Promenade and she would always slap their faces for no reason. She would likely throw stuffs at them without even thinking like how a princess would act. She would throw foods on their faces whenever she eats when she doesn’t like the taste of the dish that was served to her.

But now, they are enjoying serving Phoebe. For the past days of her coming till now, she would likely speak to them before asking them to do so. They sure is lucky to have meet and serve this lady despite of her young age. She knows how to treat people around her according to their personalities and doesn’t base on their status.

Reaching their chambers, Dione ordered the maids to leave them alone for a moment. The maids went outside leaving them both alone in the living area.

“Why is husband looking at me like that? Have this wife done something wrong?” Phoebe asked.

Before he replied to what has Phoebe said, he laughed for a second and then stopped. Looking at his wife with his passionate eyes.
“What is it husband? Tell me.”

“Well, you did not disappoint this husband. Earlier, are you worried for me that I might go with Princess Promenade and leave you in the middle of our tour all by yourself?”

“No, of course not, after all I have Baleful to take me back here.”



“It’s nothing. I shall excuse myself now wife. I have some important things to do.”

“You may go.”

Before leaving, Dione gave Phoebe a kiss on the forehead and walked his way out of the room. Phoebe, was left with Baleful and the other two maids.

“Could you bring me that medicine book?” Phoebe said pointing out the book which was sitting on the top of the shelf.

Baleful, then immediately walked straight to the shelf to get the book and gave it to Phoebe.

“Here is the book, Princess.”

“Thank you.”

Studying quietly, Phoebe noticed Baleful with the other two maids who is kind of tired because of standing for so long.


“Yes princess?” Baleful said.

“I know you three are tired, why don’t you sit there for a bit. You’ve been standing all day long. Your feet must have been hurting because of that.” She said pointing out their shoes.

“But princess, we can’t do that. We must stay standing------.”

“No more, please just sit there. I might be studying for a long time and I don’t want to see you all standing right there in the corner. So please just sit.”

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