Chapter 23

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The day after, Phoebe woke up due to the sun’s rays that’s passing through the open window. Gently rubbing her eyes, she opened her eyes and saw Dione holding Pherrione, he was letting the sun’s gentle rays to touch their child’s skin.

She sat down on the bed not knowing that a smile is making its way to her lips. Dione saw her and walked towards her, sitting beside her, he gave Pherrione to Phoebe. Now Phoebe is the one who’s currently holding him.

“The king wants to see me, I’ll be back later.” Dione said and planted a kiss on Phoebe’s forehead and also on Pherrione’s forehead before leaving the room.

After he left, Baleful entered the room, she saw Phoebe who is caressing the small face of her tiny baby. “Princess, what would you like to eat?” she asked.

“Just bring me anything Baleful, and oh---later, help me change his clothes if it’s okay.” Phoebe said before Baleful went out to get something for her to eat.

Once again Phoebe continued to caress the face of her tiny little boy, from the moment her child was born she did not expect that his hair would be the same as hers. She thought that maybe she had taken a poison when she was bearing him that made his hair turned like hers.

She also felt scared that her child might be born dead, but when she heard him cry, the pack of thorns in her chest was lifted. As the doctor handed her child to her, all her worries fade away when she saw her child’s face.

“Princess, I’ve brought you some milk and bread and some soup. Is this okay?” Baleful said while entering the room pushing the cart on where the food and drink are sitting.

“That’s fine Baleful.” Phoebe said and carefully lay Pherrione down in the bed.
She ate the food that Baleful had brought her, after she finished eating, Baleful went out of the room bringing the cart and empty plates with her to be washed by the dishwasher servants and went back to assist Phoebe on changing Pherrione’s clothes.

“Princess, if you won’t mind me asking, what’s the name of this little handsome prince?” Baleful said.

Phoebe looked at her and realized that only her and Dione knows the name of their child, she smiled at her before speaking. “Husband Dione named him Pherrione…Pherrione Calynn Swoon-Rhapsody”

“What a beautiful name, Princess. I can’t wait to see him grow and play with him, take care of him and---oh, I-I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to……”

“No, don’t be sorry. It’s okay.” Phoebe said and gently raising Baleful’s head to stop her from bowing her head for a long time.

When they’re finally facing each other, Phoebe smiled at her. “No need to be sorry, I am truly thankful that I have you with me.”

“T-Thank you, Your Majesty.” Baleful said and continued to change little Pherrione’s clothes.

After a while, when Dione finished his meeting with his father. He hurried back to Phoebe, on his way back he saw Promenade looking out on her window. Her eyes were deeply swollen because of crying all night---up until now. He didn’t bother to ask her and continued his way back to their chambers.

Promenade saw him walk passed by but she was to tired and depress to even stand up and run just to catch up with him. Sure she loves him very much and couldn’t afford a single day to go through without talking and catching up with him whenever she sees him but right now she can’t do those things.

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