Chapter 11

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The maids stayed seated and stands up only when Phoebe needs something. They were new to this kind of stuffs, during their service to Promenade, she never treated them that way. Only Phoebe treats them like as if they were not her servants.

Two days have past and nothing seems changing, Promenade always tries to get the attention of Dione but always fails to do it. For the past days, Phoebe became busy on studying medicine, even though she’s married she still wants to enhance her knowledge. She even forgot that Lapetus is coming this day.

While studying quietly in their room, Lapetus let himself in inside the room. He was never told of Phoebe. All he knew is that Dione is marrying the daughter from the other kingdom, he was not told that Dione is already married.

“Excuse me, but what are you doing inside this room?” he said.

“I am—“

“Oh, no need to tell me. You must be, ummm…”

“I am Dio---“

“The woman that Dione’s slept with him, right? Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be your next customer.” He said and forcefully bringing Phoebe into his arms.

His hand was caressing her beautiful face while his other hand was holding unto her waist. Suddenly, Dione came. He saw them and didn’t let Phoebe explain herself. He told the guards to take Lapetus out for a moment leaving them alone inside the room.

“What were you two doing?” He said angrily.

“Please, hear this princess.”

“What? You want me to hear you? And then, you want me to believe your lies? I saw you both with my own two eyes. You’re nothing different from those whores who only wants a lot of men in their lives. Are you not contented on me?” He said.

Phoebe couldn’t take it anymore, hearing those words from him caused her hand to move on its own. She slapped his face as hard as she can. Tears falling from her eyes as Dione looked at her.

“How dare you? This princess was not allowed to go out from the kingdom from the very first day of her birth. She was raised by such good parents that only wants her to be a perfect daughter and also a woman. Are you not ashamed of what you are saying right now? *sigh* Just please leave! I do not want to see your face. This princess wants to rest. A good day to you Prince Dione.” She said before turning her back away from Dione.

Meanwhile, Lapetus was ordered to meet with the king. The king told him that his cousin Dione is already married. He was shocked at the moment he knew that it was Phoebe, the woman he saw on Dione’s chambers was his wife.

Dione was announced by the guards. He walks straight to Lapetus and smacked his face. The king was stunned by the sudden action of his son. He waved his hand signaling the guards to stop Dione from what he was doing.

“What do you think you are doing? Have you lost your mind?” Telesto said

“What am I doing? Why don’t you ask Lapetus?” Dione said as he tries to escape from the guards hold.

“What is it Lapetus?” the king asked.

“Your majesty, forgive me for I have committed such terrible sin. I was not told that my cousin-brother Dione has already married. Arriving here, the first thing that I wanted to do is to surprise Prince Dione, I rushed to his place without even listening to what the servants have told me. They told me that cousin-brother was not there and I am not allowed to go in. But I ignored them and let myself in. I was willing to wait inside his chambers to see his surprised face when he sees me, but all I saw was his wife which I didn’t know that she was his wife. That moment I thought she was some woman who is willing to sell their bodies in return for some small amount of money. So I then, held her unto my arms and that’s when Dione saw us both. But please, Your Majesty, Prince Dione, I haven’t done anything other than that. Please spare me.” Lapetus said while kneeling and lowering his head on the ground.

“HAHAHA! Is that it? Please do not worry I will not kill you Prince Lapetus, hmm..punish you—maybe, yes. And you Dione? You’ve done all of these just because you misunderstood them. Don’t be silly.”

“Forgive me father. Forgive me cousin-brother Lapetus, I didn’t mean to misunderstood you. Please forgive me.” Dione said as the guards released him.

“So now, this matter is settled then. You both may go.” Telesto said.

“And one more thing your majesty, I do not want to marry Princess Promenade or anyone from the royal family. I pledge my life only to you, and to this kingdom to protect it and lead it to victory. Also, I am returning to battle field, three days from now. We must prepare before the southern kingdom reaches and attacks this land.” Lapetus said.

The two of them stood up and went outside the palace. Dione said his goodbye to Lapetus and hurried to his chambers. Meanwhile, Phoebe ordered the guards and maids to not let Dione enter. She was with Baleful for the whole time. She continued her studies and did not stop until she heard Dione from outside.


Phoebe opened the window and looked at him from above. Emotions weren’t seen on her face. She looks at him with such cold-looking eyes. She was mad at him for not letting her explain. She signaled Baleful to come closer to her.

“Tell him that he is not welcome here. And also tell him that I want to study in peace. This princess, do not want someone or anything to disturb me while studying. Lastly, tell him to leave for this princess do not want to see him here. He must find somewhere else to spend his night.” She said coldly.

She looks at Dione for the last time before walking away from the window. Baleful closed the window and went outside to relay the message to Dione who is still yelling outside.

“Prince Dione, you must stop doing this.” Baleful said.

“I want to see my wife. Let me enter now for I needed to talk to her.” Dione said
He was about to go walk inside but when he was just a meter away from the door the guards blocked his way.

“The princess told me to relay her message for you. She said that you are not welcome here for she wants to study in peace, she does not want someone or anything to disturb her. Lastly, she told me that you need to leave. Princess Phoebe doesn’t want to see you and you must find somewhere else to spend the night. That is all Prince Dione.” Baleful said before entering the place, leaving Dione outside.

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