Chapter 4

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“I assure you, Your Majesties that I, Calypso Dione Rhapsody, Prince of The Rhapsody Kingdom, will protect Phoebe Helene Swoon, Princess of The Swoon Kingdom. I will make her happy and promises to never break your trust that you’ve given me as your daughter’s incoming husband.“ Dione said.

“Oh, please Prince Dione. Do not call yourself ‘incoming husband’ starting today you are already her husband and we both are at peace seeing her with you. We entrust our daughter, Phoebe, to you so please take good care of her.” Pandora said.

“Yes, Your Majesties.”

“And please, call us father and mother. You are now a part of our family.” Hyperion said.

“Yes, Your Ma—father. Now we will be leaving. Goodbye father, mother.” Dione said and bowed his head to show respect before getting on to the carriage.

The carriage started moving away from king and queen Swoon. The both of them waved their hands with a smile drawn on their faces until they can no longer see the carriage.

As the carriage went meter and meter away from the Swoon Kingdom, Phoebe can’t help herself to look back at the place where she was born and raised to what she is now. Sadness was drawn unto her face as she looks back from the far view of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, Dione, was looking at her from the beginning of their journey, he never took his eyes off her, not even a second. He sure was lucky, to have this beautiful girl to marry him.

A while later, Phoebe notice him for staring at her so much. She giggled quietly and composed her posture before speaking to this young man who is staring at her for the whole time.

“Prince Dione, this princess is not comfortable with you, Your Majesty is staring too much. This princess is wondering why Prince Dione is looking at her nonstop? Is there something wrong on the way that this princess looks? Or maybe, does this dress doesn’t suit this princess at all?” Phoebe asked.

Prince Dione can’t hide the smile that’s starting to draw on his face. He looked at Phoebe with his emerald-green eyes with such passion. For the first time that he saw this young lady, his heart was immediately taken away from him by her and now he can’t believe that on the second time that he sees this lady, she will become his wife.

“What is it Prince Dione? Did this princess upset you? Tell me, this princess wants to know.”

“No, you didn’t do something to upset me. The truth is that this prince was captivated by your beauty and now I just can’t believe that after this travel you’ll be my wife.” The prince said with a smile.

“Oh, please, this princess can’t believe the words that you’re saying right now. But this princess will gladly take it as a compliment.” She said while bowing her head.

“Please raise your head, I do not want you to treat yourself as a servant that needs to bow and lower her head every time she speaks. Please, act normally when you are with me. I do not want you to feel that I am higher than you for we both are equal. What you get is what I get, and what I get is what you get. Do you understand this prince selfish request?”

“Yes, Your Majesty, this princess understands what the prince’s wants.” Phoebe said with a smile.

Dione didn’t speak anymore. Their journey was almost two (2) days and a half, before reaching the Rhapsody Kingdom. For the past two (2) days, the both of them got along so well. They would talk about the trees, the rivers, the birds, the sky, and even the clouds. They would share their knowledge to each other every time they speak with one another.

And finally the day has come, they arrived at the Rhapsody Kingdom. It was no different from the Swoon Kingdom but only both kingdoms were ruled by different families and leaders. Reaching the gate of the palace, the guards opened the large gate and announced the arrival of their Prince Dione.

Both the king and queen with their daughter were waiting for their son and their soon to be daughter-in-law. Prince Dione got off from the carriage first, he held out his hand for Phoebe to help her get down from the carriage.

The king and queen were amazed by this young lady’s beauty she was wearing the same dress when she leaved the Swoon Kingdom but her hair now was beautifully hanging down that gives her a different vibe. Her natural pale skin was glowing as the sun’s rays touched it.

“This princess gives her greetings to you, Your Majesties. This kingdom is much more beautiful from what I’ve heard it. It is my pleasure to live here with you.” Phoebe said as she bows her head to give respect.

“Thank you Princess Phoebe of the Swoon Kingdom. I would take your compliment with all of my heart. Thank you for appreciating my kingdom.” King Telesto said and bowed his head to show his appreciation.

“This kingdom was really excited for your arrival Princess, now that I’ve seen you, you’re much more beautiful from the last time that I saw you.” The queen, Rhea said.

“Thank you, Your Majesties. This princess is really happy to be here.”

“Greetings, Princess Phoebe, I am Caly Diane Rhapsody, elder sister of Dione. It is my pleasure to meet you.” Caly said with a bow.

“No, the pleasures mine, Princess Caly.” Phoebe said and bowed her head.

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