Chapter 16

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*glass breaks*

*another glass breaks*

*and another one*

“Princess, you must stop doing this right now. It is not good for you and your baby.” The maid said.

“Leave me alone! I do not want any of this to happen. Cursed that Phoebe! This is all her fault! If it wasn’t for her, I should have carried Dione’s child with me and not this child.” Promenade said madly.

She then continues to throw the stuffs that she sees around her. Her most trusted servant worries for her so much but she can’t do anything to stop Promenade form doing such things. Even though she knows that she’s carrying a child inside her, she would not just listen that what her doing right now is bad for both her and her child.

She even refuses to eat and continues to destroy everything. She was lucky enough that only her, the doctor and the servant knows about her pregnancy. The king should never know about this for he might send her back to Diurnal kingdom without even achieving her goal on being with Dione forever.

Well, she doesn’t even know that Lapetus doesn’t want to marry her. Her only hope to escape this shameful episode of her life. The king hasn’t told her anything about it so she knew nothing. She plans to make Lapetus accept the child on her womb as his own and pretend that Lapetus is the father when he really is not.

“Princess, you must stop. Please!” the maid said begging her to stop.

Before she could throw another stuff, she collapsed and lost her consciousness. The maids immediately called for the doctor to examine her. This time the doctor found something that is spreading inside her body. But he was not sure about it so he told her some inexact information and said that he will be back when he founds out anything about it.

Promenade, on the other side doesn’t accept such unsure information that would make her believe on something that shouldn’t be, so in order for her to not worry so much about her condition, the doctor didn’t say much about that something that’s spreading inside of her.

The maids gave her some medicines and also something to eat. They still worry about her even though, she doesn’t treat them right. Regaining back her strength, she went to Phoebe again, doing and bringing the same thing that she’s done from before.

But as expected, Phoebe is much smarter than her. So, Promenade was the only one that falls directly into her own evil doings. She doesn’t learn though. This time she tries to act as much as nicer to Phoebe than before because Dione is with them. She wore such revealing clothes, showing off some part of her cleavage to attract Dione’s attention.

While eating the same thing that Phoebe served her from the last time. She looks at Dione trying to seduce him. “You make such delicious sweets princess.” She said without taking her eyes off Dione.

“Thank you. Have some more, don’t be shy. I made them just especially for you.” Phoebe said with a smile.

Just in a moment of time, Baleful served something to Phoebe to drink. She drunk the half of it before putting it down on the table. Then Dione, himself drunk the other half. They both shared on the same drink that made Promenade boil on anger inside of her.

She hid her anger by putting on a fake smile on her face and finishing up the pretty looking sweets that was served in front of her. “I must go now Princess. I shall visit you again next time for I have something important to do.”

“Well then I’ll be looking forward on you visiting here again.” Phoebe said.

“You too Prince Dione, I am looking forward on seeing you again.” She said while bowing her head and intentionally showing almost half of her chest.

To Phoebe’s surprise, Dione was not looking at all. She hid her smiling face behind the fan on her hand and continues to look at him and then Promenade. Without even looking at Promenade he parted his lips and spoke. “You should head back to your chambers princess. My wife needs to take some rest now.”

“I shall take my leave now. Goodbye your majesties.” Promenade said before turning her back away from Dione and Phoebe.

After Promenade left, the both of them also went inside. Phoebe then couldn’t control her laughter and burst out laughing. Dione was a bit of confused when he heard Phoebe. “What is it that made you so happy wife?”

Holding her stomach while laughing, she paused for a second before replying to Dione. “Oh, it’s nothing. I am just surprised that you did not even look at Princess Promenade even thorough she tries her very best to get your attention. She has a nice figure though. She even gave so much effort on wearing such revealing clothes just to get your attention.”

“Well, that might be correct but I like your body figure more. My eyes are only set to you and no one can even get that attention.” He said proudly.

“Hmm…really? Well, what if they would stand naked in front of you? Will they have a chance to steal some of your attention?”

“Maybe, but I like you more and they don’t stand a chance against you. You are almost perfect and I would never find someone else to replace you.” Dione said before bringing Phoebe into his arms, embracing her and giving her a passionate kiss.

They spend their night together sharing the love that they started to felt for each other. Dione was so sure that he will never find someone as perfect and beautiful as his wife Phoebe and he doesn’t have the slightest thought of replacing Phoebe with someone else.

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