School's Out

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I rested my elbow on my desk and stared outside the window of the classroom. The teacher was taking the last few minutes of the school year to ask different questions and hear about the plans of other kids. She would go "Wow that sounds like fun" or "stay safe" whenever a kid would finish there extravagant summer plans. Everyone literally said the same thing: "I'm going to stay with family"or "I'm going out the country". Then there were those few kids, like me, who responded with "I'm doing nothing."

You can't not do nothing. That wasn't possible. But compared to what other kids were doing, it seemed a lot like nothing. Some kids were staying just because they couldn't afford to go away, and others said that they had a summer job. I wasn't going anywhere for both reasons. I lived in West Broadway in Derry, Maine. That was a good part of town, where the richer people lived..My parents moved here when houses were still cheap, so we got really lucky, and my parents have decent jobs. My mom is a surgeon at Derry Hospital and my dad is an accountant. They are also devoted Catholics. They spend a lot of time volunteering at the church, whether it is setting up before mass or just cleaning up the church.

This summer, the person who sang the hymns and stuff moved away and they haven't found a replacement yet. My dear parents volunteered me, saying I had the "voice of an Angel" and I was meant to share my gift of God with others. And yet, when I wanted to audition for the fifth grade chorus one year, they said no. So this year, I get to spend almost all summer singing at masses and practicing.

"Ms. Yancey?" I shot my head up and looked to the front of the class. Everyone had there heads turned towards me and the teacher had her arms crossed.

"Sorry ma'am, I was just thinking about what I was doing this summer." She raised her eyebrows and a few kids snickered.

"Well would you care to share with us? Or is it just for you to think about?" I shifted in my seat and shoved the stand of hair behind my ear.

"Not much, actually. I'm staying in Derry. My parents signed me up to sing at the church." Behind me, a voice I knew well mimicked a opera singer. It sounded as if he was choking. Henry Bowers. I whipped my head around and sneered at that mullet wearing toad, and he leaned back in his chair as if he accomplished something big. I rolled my eyes and gave him the finger before turning back around in my seat.

       I glanced at the clock. 2:55. Only five more minutes until school was out for the summer. The teacher was now explaining some safety rules for the summer like wear sunblock and shit like that. I usually paid attention to school, when we had to learn. When any teacher would start to steer of course, that's when my mind wandered. I looked back out towards the window. There were now cops in front of the school entrance. They leaned against the hood of the cars and smoked. Even from far away, she could recognize one of the officers. I smirked and looked back at Bowers, who looked like he was snorting drugs in class.

      "Whoville." He looked up at me and stopped his snort fest. He glared at me. He hated it when I called him that. "Daddy's waiting for you." I could see his knuckles grow white as he clenched his fist. He looked out the window and and let out a sigh. It gave me some delight seeing him let down like that. He deserved it.

         The bell ring, and Bowers wiped the remaining powder of his desk and stood up. Before he ran out of class, he leaned up against my desk and bent down. His breath reeked and I almost gagged.

        "Listen here you rich piece of shit, you better watch out this summer. You may be a girl, but that doesn't mean I want to knock the lights out of you any less." He pointed a crusty finger at me, and in his eyes, I saw glint of something that made me wipe the smile off my face. "You hide behind that mask thinkin' your some tough shit, but in reality, your just a clingy slut with no friends." He pushed off the desk and I felt my heart skip a beat. I watched from my desk as he pushed passed some kids and out of class. I sat there for a few minutes, and then finally packed up my stuff.

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