Chapter 1: Not a Typical Walk through the Woods

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Hey and welcome to my teenwolf story! The POVs will switch up. This is based off of ep 1. I picture Natalie as Lily Collins :)

Natalie POV:

"Okay, if you drive us to the movies tomorrow, I think I can get my friend's mom to pick me up. Does that work?" My little sister, Eva, has her little lip out. She is standing in my doorway, tapping at her phone.

I glance up at her from my laptop momentarily, half happy for the distraction from calculus, half annoyed at her presence.

"For a 13 year old, you're awfully demanding. What's in it for me?" I ask, tapping my chin mischievously. She rolls her eyes at me and shrugs her shoulders, her chestnut hair pulled back in a ponytail that swings with dramatic flair.

"What about I do your laundry for this week? Is that enough-" Her negotiations are cut short from a tap on the window that makes us both jump. I look over my shoulder to the window next to my bed. Stiles is sitting there, perched on my roof, arm poised in a knocking motion, stupid look on his face per usual.

"Holy SHIT Stilinski" Eva gasps, grabbing her chest. I raise my eyebrows and slam my computer shut.

"What kind of language is that young missy" I tease, rolling over to unlock the window.

"Geez, took you long enough," Stiles says, rolling his eyes and leaning his back against the pane so he is half in, half out of my room.

"Keep your voice down! Eva, close the door." Eva closes the door silently, and to my annoyance, with her still in the room.

"Nat, you won't believe what my dad got called in for tonight." Stiles' dad was the sheriff of our small town, Beacon Hills. I honestly wonder what Stiles would fill his time with if he didn't get to obsess over his dad's cases.

"Some joggers found a dead body in the woods!" Scott exclaims, suddenly appearing in the empty space next to Stiles. Both Eva and I squeal at him jumping out, quickly followed by my shushing everyone. Eva smooths her pajamas and brushes a hair behind her ear, suddenly shy.

"Oh hey Scott," she says, turning beet red. For the second time I roll my eyes tonight. Scott does a little wave.

"You came all the way here and used the ladder to my roof to tell me about a body that was found?" I point to my phone, reminding them of their existence. "Could have called me."

"Well before Scott here interrupted me, I didn't get to mention the exciting detail. They found HALF of a body. They are out looking for the OTHER half." Stiles looks at me expectantly. My face remains uninterested. "So we have to go find it before they do! This is huge! You always say nothing happens in this town."

"Now?" I ask, looking down at the time. It's almost 10pm.

"Yeah, just use the ladder." Scott whispers in this excited hushed voice. Eva clears her voice, making her presence known.

"Go on Natalie, my silence can be bought with that ride to the movies tomorrow." She winks at Scott. Stiles holds his hand out like he's sealing a deal.

"I'll see to it personally that there is popcorn also bought," he says as they shake hands. I am slipping on my shoes and tying back my long brown hair in preparation. "You're wearing that?" Stiles says, everyone looking down at my blue pajamas.

"Uh yea, what's wrong with that?" I scoff. Scott and Stiles have been my friends since elementary school. They've seen me in worse.

"Not very 'dead body hunting' of you," Eva grumbles. I grab black leggings and a sweatshirt.

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