Chapter 13

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Chapter 13~
Jays POV:
I went to Kim's because that's where she always goes and kept banging on the door.Erin must've looked at the peephole because she shouted"GO TO HELL JAY I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!". I looked and then said "open the damn door Erin."after a while of shouting she finally opened it and let me in,so Kim gave us some space."listen Erin I love you and only you."I said."then who is Emily with a red love heart"she said."Erin she is my sister,I never told you because I never really spoke to her after she left."I said.She looked at me and then hugged me,her head was on my chest and then she started crying"hey it's ok"I said softly."how could I have been so stupid jay."she said whilst crying.After I calmed her down and she asked me if we were still together and I said yes."listen you just jumped to that conclusion,your past has made you like that but it's up to me and you to change that."I said.then my phone called and I answered.
E:Emily j:jay
J:hey em
E:hey listen I wanted to talk to you
J:why did you leave and why after all this time have you finally chosen to contact us.
E:I needed to leave Jay I couldn't stay there anymore
J:what did we do Emily that made it so bad you had to leave
*it stayed silent*
J:huh?because after you left you ruined my life Emily!You made me think I had been a bad big have no idea how much you broke were all I had left because mum was gone and I had argued with dad.Will was at med school.You just upped and left without a bye or explanation
*the phone ended*
I slouched down the wall and cried.

Erins POV:
I couldn't see him like that not after what I had just done and not after what I just heard."babe hit's ok we'll sort it."I said as I hugged him while he cried on my shoulder."why me?"he said

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