Chapter 56

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Chapter 56
Jay's POV
It was time to take her to our new home."go get in the car with the girls"I shouted to Erin.She just raised her eyebrow in question."we're going to Hanks before you say anything."I said.At first we went to hanks.He knew about this surprise and he was going to come back with us and film it.We then got in the car and drove past 7 houses when we got to ours.I threw Erin the keys and said"I've been asked to go pick something up.can you come help me grab it please."she grinned and we got out of the car.We got one of the neighbours to watch the girls for us.She had a daughter that is the Same age as Sophia and Luna.I kept talking to her when I went to go help decorate and I told her about me suprising Erin.Erin reached the door and read a note.It said.'welcome to your new home babe,hope you like it.Love you~jay XX'she turned around"are you serious"she said,I nodded.she started to cry gave me a kiss and then hugged me"thank you so much babe"she was still crying and hadn't let me go within the last two minutes."are you going to go in"I said.she nodded.I told her that our apartment was been sold today I just had to sign some papers.she walked in and gasped"it is beautiful who did this."she said."well the unit helped me do all of this."I said."when did you do all of this"she said her face was still puffy from crying."when I said I was going to talk to Adam about suits and potential options and when I said I was going to the shops.we went there."I said.
Erins POV:
I was speechless.How could I thank him?He did all of this just for me?I can't believe it.I went from having an apartment to having my dream house with the man I love and my baby girls.

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