Chapter 65

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Chapter 65
Justin's POV:
"Thanks jay,I don't want to talk to Hank or Erin because they will just worry and try to get me back.All I want to do is help the people."I said worried."I know what it's like Justin,you just want to curl up into a ball and cry.I never had anybody who went through it.So I didn't talk to anybody.My brother and sister left,my mum was gone and my dad was in a pub somewhere getting drunk.when I told him I was going he just scoffed and said I would never survive."he said.We both watched some hawks hilights and had a few more beers.I'm glad that I could talk to somebody.I knew jay wouldn't say anything to Erin because he knew what it was like.I started to feel like I could actually get through this with jays help.Erin always said how he tried to be the best brother and I understood what she meant.He had already taken the brother In law spot before it was even ready to be filled.
Jays POV:
"It's late now,I'm going to head to bed.Your room is just down the hall.Make yourself at home you don't need to ask for anything."I said to Justin as I went to bed.Before I went to bed I had to go check on the girls.
*2 hours later*
It was now 3am and I woke up because I heard a loud bang.
Erins POV:
"Jay what's wrong"I said as I felt him jump up.Then the girls started to cry.He didn't answer me but he got up and went straight to the twins room.I followed him in and then Justin came in."what's going on"Justin said.As jay got into the girls room he let out a sigh as he realised it was the baby monitor that fell.
Jays POV:
I picked both of the girls up as I slouched down the wall with them.I panicked so much.Then a tear that I didn't realise I was holding in fell down my face.

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