Falling In

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Nina's Jeep bounced over the  trail through the dense forest heading to her father's cabin. She was officially on vacation no phones no social media no tv. She was thrilled. Her life at S.H.I.E.L.D had been nuts and being head of alien history made her life crazy lately. Aliens ,otherworld people, whatever they were,seemed to be everywhere  she hadn't escaped for months. Now that things  had quieted down she had made a break for it escaping to the woods leaving her assistant Ryan in charge. She did have a emergency phone but he was not allowed to use it , unless the world was falling apart, on pain of death.
Nina was a second generation S.H.I.E.L.D taking over for her Dad who had died a year earlier on a different planet.
She hit the accelerator pushing the jeep up a steep incline. She didn't like to dwell on her Father's death luckily it had been quick an alien blast. There was nothing she could do to change it so she pushed it to the back of her mind the ache in her heart was enough to remind her.
"Home sweet home." She said aloud. Her jeep leveled off,her Father's cabin came into view.
It was a nice house 3 bedroom and fully modernized except the electricity that was generator powered. Before she came up she hired cleaners and carpenters to check it out since it had been empty for over 2 months. She had it fully stocked and she was ready to enjoy some alone time. It was upstate Pennsylvania and it would be snowing soon and being snowed in sounded awesome.
Nina pulled up to the house and jumped from the Jeep,her heart ached slightly more knowing her Father wouldn't be there or visit it ever again. She pushed the thoughts away  bounding up the stairs unlocking the door swinging it open.
She stopped her ears straining to understand the sound coming from around her it sounded like a wave of water crashing against rocks but in slow motion. She stepped back onto the wrap around porch looking up at the sky between the towering trees. It was clouding and at first she thought maybe it was thunder but it was too cold.
Nina didn't see it coming but she heard it the sound was deafening the impact threw her backwards onto the porch.
"What the hell!" She pushed her red hair back off her face and slowly stood. "My jeep!"
What was left of her jeep was in the driveway collapsed in the center, like a boulder had fallen into it. But it didn't look like a boulder..
Nina held her hands palms up generating energy that appeared as flaming blue orbs and  made her way towards the Jeep slowly edging around the side of her crushed pride and joy. She jumped as she heard what sounded like a moan.
"No way." She slowly placed her foot in the crushed window  hauling herself up.
Nina's eyes came to rest on what was laying on her indented jeeps roof clothed in dark green leather trimmed in dark dirty gold trim. The boots were scuffed black and it was laying on its back a full green cape over it's face.

Nina's POV

"Shit." She growled "This can't be happening. " She said aloud.  I recognize this armor. Maybe I'm wrong please let me be wrong. "For gods sake I'm on vacation!!" She yelled jumping off the drivers side window moveing to the passenger side hoping back up. Please let me be wrong she thought as she created energy flames in one hand as she balanced on the window reaching for the place where the head should be. She pulled the cape back and groaned."Of course." She rolled her eyes to the heavens."Your supposed to be on Asgard?" She looked at his chest seeing a slow rise and fall of his breathing. "Of course not!" I feel bad I shouldn't say that she thought. What he is ,is unconscious lucky for him. She looked at his face she couldn't help but feel bad he was in horrible shape.  Falling from the sky does that to a person I guess.
His face normally pale and chiseled was swollen and bruised his lips and eyebrow cut and blooded. He was tall 6'3 slim muscled, his black hair slicked back from his forehead crusted in blood. What the hell happened to you? As far as she knew he had still been on Asgard apparently not.
"Loki." She whispered his name over his face with no response.
What am I going to do with you?
Going back to town was not going to happen.
My jeep, what a way to go. She jumped down pacing slightly first she had to get him inside he needed to heal if he even could.
Ok then. She inhaled  summoning her energy enveloping him in it and slowly lifting him from the roof.
Gently, gently, don't want to break a god.
She hovered him then lowered him to her height. He was heavy she could feel the pull on her energy as he floated to her porch wrapped in blue light.
"Damn dude, what have they been feeding you?" She breathed aloud.
Got to get you in the door.
She frowned as she maneuvered his body in front of her through the door.
Thank God I didn't have to try to carry you.
She floated him into the living room and through to a large bedroom and onto the King bed overlooking the valley below.
She sighed as she set him down.
"Ok God of Mischief, lets see how broken you are." She pushed her energy over his body her blue glow weaving in and around him searching for his body's injuries where his energy would be broken as well. She even tried his mind to feel it but she couldn't it was shut tight. His energy was dark and fluttering like a candle flame  she closed her eyes to visualize what her energy was feeling.
"Broken, your leg your ribs, 2 I think, some bleeding your wrist. Good thing your hard headed just a crack. Damn Loki who or what beat you?" She opened her eyes and sat on the edge of the bed slightly dizzy she only used her energy when absolutely necessary and it had been a long time. She gathered her strength and headed for the bathroom.
"Ok Loki is in my house ,Prince of Asgard, do I call S.H.I.E.L.D now or wait?" She talked aloud while she pulled wash rags, peroxide and filled a bucket with warm water adding soap.
"I guess I'll deal with that in a bit. Not like your a threat at the moment."
She placed the items on the bedside table and put her hands on her hips.
"Sooooo I guess I'll be undressing you now. Unless you can do it yourself I'd rather that." She paused. "No? Damn." She frowned. "I haven't undressed a Prince slash God before hope there is no protocol I'm supposed to follow." She learned over him and started removing his armor trying not to hurt his already broken bones sliding his arms from his jacket and using her energy to sweep over him to see if he was in pain. Next came a white soft linen undershirt that laced at the neck.
"Sorry this is going to have to be cut." She apologized speaking more to make herself feel better then the unconscious Prince. She went back into the bathroom grabbing scissors she found in a drawer.
"Here we go." She began at his waist and carefully cut up the center revealing a toned stomach and chest covered in fresh bruises and cuts she winced.
That has to be painful.
She sliced slowly down each arm and pulled it from under him. She couldn't help but notice his well shaped shoulders and torso.
Great checking out a psycho prince what's next Nina.
She removed his pants and did her best to keep him covered as she did so.
"Those can stay on sir."leaving his white boxer like underwear on. She still felt nothing from him and it worried her usually even unconscious a person's energy would fluctuate but his never changed just fluttered.
She sat on the bed and slowly and gently began to wash him starting with his face.
"I hope im not hurting you." His energy fluttered. At least it wasn't waning.
"Well I guess I should introduce myself since I'm doing this, probably should have done it before I undressed you." She chuckled.
Yup I'm nuts, she thought, but what else could I do maybe he can hear me.
"I'm Nina Baldwin. No need to tell me who you are." She washed away the blood from his eyes and rinsed the rag moving it over his arms and chest. "You'll be ok." Maybe I hope so. She knew he was dangerous but she also would know when he was near conciousness. I can't just toss him to S.H.I.E.L.D they wouldn't be to happy he was on earth and killing him would be an option. No, killing a wounded man was not something she'd allow.
She could feel the emergency phones weight in her pocket.
She finished putting peroxide on his wounds then bound his broken wrist and leg with fabric torn from sheets.
"There, all done." She covered him with blankets and sent her energy over him. "You are already healing your majesty."she smiled" I heard Asgardians healed fast I am glad it's true." But she could only feel him healing his energy was still low and fluttering.
"Do me a favor and don't die." She gazed at his face and she couldn't help but hope he was not feeling pain because it would have been horrible. She sent her energy again to surround him in a force field.
"This will keep you safe. After all you are the God of Mischief." She sat in a chair across from the bed and yawned. I really need to train myself again I shouldn't be this tired. But she was. Time for a nap.
She was asleep in seconds.

Well, this is wonderful. Loki thought as he fell through the atmosphere from one plain to another. He was unconscious his feeling was a dim echo of what it should have been. His sense of self preservation still thrived but there was little he could do to charge his situation.
I am glad I am unconscious if I were awake the pain would be maddening. Not that it would matter much considering I am already half way there.
If he could have laughed he would have.
How had it come to this scraping and screaming to count somewhere in the universe any universe. Was this really all there was.
I am to blame I know. He could vaguely admit it to himself but Odin was the main reason.
Yes father you are the reason I feel like I have no place. You took both thrones from me. Odd thing to think about as I plummet to wherever it is I'm falling.
He felt the impact, it felt as if every inch of his body shuttered ,vibrating like he was falling to pieces from the inside out.
He heard himself moan.
So this is how it ends for the God of Mischief. Dead who knows where unable to feel unable to move. Wonderful.
He waited.
I am hearing things.
He strained his hearing he heard something but in the darkness everything was muffled.
A voice, is that a voice?
It was light and soft and it sounded unhappy but it was a voice a distinctly feminine voice.
A woman great useless. Just what I need. Better then no one I guess.
As the voice floated over him he felt again as if he was moving but he couldn't be sure.
How useless I am.
I feel that. He thought like something's trying to reach me. He couldn't understand it. It felt warm searching through him checking him. He tried to reach out to it but he fell further into darkness and his mind shut down.

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