Marie and Asher. (9)

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I was dreaming about Calum when I feel two cold hands touching my leg and arm. I open my eyes fast heart beating like crazy. I look up to see my two roommates. They were helping me carefully out of my bed. "Stop" I say looking up at them.

"But Marie"

"What are you doing? Get off of me"

They back up taking their hands off of me. "Marie, listen to us, It was Laken's idea. She wanted us to help you into the wheelchair" I turn to my head to the wheelchair sitting on the side of my bed. "I don't need your help, I can do this myself" Sitting myself up hiding the pain. My whole back was killing me but I didn't want to show it.

I look away holding back the tears. "Marie please, we want too"

No they don't they just feel bad. "I don't want your sympathy, now please leave me alone, I can change and do this myself" They leave the room.

I quckly changed into my new clothes and the whole time I cried in pain. After I was done Laken and the girls came in back into the room. I rolled my eyes at them. I don't want their help! Why can't they understand that.

"Marie, I'm sorry but you have no choice, Sara and Emma are going to help you until you start feeling better"

I couldn't talk back to Ms. Laken so I just tucked in my shirt the best way I could and brought the wheelchair closer to me. They both helped me stand up and put me in the wheelchair slowly. I was so humilated. I can't believe the two biggest bullies have to cater to me. I don't want this.

While one rolled me down the hallway the other one carried my books. Everyone was looking at me. I was so Embarrassed. I was used to the stares but not like this. I can't wait till I start walking again.

Rolling into the classroom I see Ms. Gloria waiting for us. As I rolled passed her I gave her the meanest glare. I swear if eyes could kill. I was in the wheelchair because of HER. This was all HER fault. I never hated someone so much.

She looked away and turned around to start teaching. She knew, I knew. I just know it. Emily was waiting by my desk. What was she doing? She bends over to me and smiles "Goodmorning Marie"

I just look her dead in the eye and stare at her. Who does she think she is. Just yesterday she beat me and now she is smiling at me. She clears her throat. "well nevermind" She says standing back up. I slowly get myself into my desk.

The whole time in class I coldn't look at Ms. Gloria because I couldn't believe what had happened yesterday. Writing in my notebook I look up slowly over to Emily and my roommates. The only truly way I will find out why she did this is to ask them. A part of me wants too but another part of me doesn't want to talk to them because I am still mad at them. I refuse to just let this slide.

Hitting the back of my pencil onto my notebook I think about what I should do. But I couldn't figure it out. I gently threw my back against the chair. My back was killing me. "Marie is something wrong?"

Ms. Gloria had stopped what she was doing and was looking dead at me. Emily turns around to face me. I look at her and then at Ms. Gloria. "Yeah I'm fine" I say going back to my notebook. From the corner of my eye I see Ms. Gloria and Emily make eye contact.

They are up to something. I just can feel it. What do I do? I look up at the ceiling and think "God please help me" As soon as I think that, Emily gets up and comes sit on the side of me sliding her desk on the side of mine. "What are you doing?"

"Ms. Gloria wants me to help you with your homework, she says that you must be in a lot of pain and doesn't want you to hurt yourself even more" She says with a sweet smile.

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