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As Leslie stood there speechless confused about what just happened. Her mind went complete blank for a second trying to process what just happened but she couldn't find a way to process it. The only thing in her mind at the time was what Harry just said.

She couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe she was being threaten by him. She really wanted to tell someone about this but a part of her knew nobody would believe her and especially not Marie who now believes that they are together.

Leslies phone began to buzz in her back pocket so she quickly picked it up and looked down. Her stomach turned as she read all the tweets she was getting about her dating harry. It never accrued her until now that someone was probably filming the whole thing and now its all over the internet. Her heart sank more, now nobody will definitely believe her. Her plan was now the only thing that could save her but she needed time and a prefect location but she just didn't know where or how she was going to pull this off.

Her mind began to wonder again trying to escape this reality, she wish she could just wake up and end up somewhere else or just grow wings and fly away from all of this. She was thinking about flying into the clouds when she heard a loud horn. It was Ashton blowing the horn to their tour bus. It was time to leave.

She stuck her new phone into her bag and rushed over to the bus. She was the last one on the bus before it started moving. They were now on their way to Paris. A small hope hit her when she realized that this was going to be the last time she will be seeing harry but it still didn't stop her from being upset about all the tweets and stuff she was getting from fans.

She didn't feel like talking to nobody so she squeezed all the way in the back throwing her headphones on and ignoring everyone for the rest of the ride. She was in mood of talking. While she was all by herself Marie couldn't help but still feel worried. She knew something was up but she knew nobody would believe her.

She sat down at the little table near the entrance door to the bus thinking about ways she could make Leslie tell her the truth. She needed to know more than anything. She hated this game she was playing. Of course she didn't really believe they were dating but she needed Leslie to trust her so she could have time to come up with a plan to get her to admit everything that Marie knew deep, deep down inside was true.

She grabbed out a pen and paper and began to tap her pen on the notebook trying to concentrate but couldn't because the boys were horse playing and Asher and Ayanee were screaming at the boys to stop. Marie just gave up throwing her pen on the notebook looking out the window. Ayanee notice joining her at the table.

The boys slowly made their way to the back to where Leslie was to finish their playing. "Whats wrong?" Ayanee asks taking a seat infront of her.

"Nothing just stressed"

"You sure, it doesn't look like nothing"

"Yeah I'm sure, it's not like anybody will believe me anyway"

"Are you kidding me, yes we will" Asher cuts in over hearing the conversation it was now quiet in the room so she had no choice to hear.

"I doubt it but its okay"

"Try us" Ayanee says with a straight face.

She sighs trying to decide what to do. She finally gave in after Asher says "Come on Marie, The past is the past, for fucksakes I just had your back, back there don't you remember. Nows not the time to walk away"

"Fine" She picked up her pen and played with it to scared to look them both in the eyes incase they laughed at her. "I don't really think Harry and Leslie are dating and I'm trying to prove it"

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