Do you believe that we all can find that one PERFECT person?
Well, Angelica Summers never did. That is, untill she met him. The Man in the White Shirt, who challenged her every beliefs. Maybe our Mr. PERFECT does exist. But how many of us get to m...
As you know by now, the working staffs at my branch was currently limited to 5 members. Mr. Morton, Kaden, Vincent, myself and that new girl, M. It was 3 days to Christmas. I was on leave for just a day. M was supposed to take care of office accounts. When I stepped in, the next day, I knew something was wrong. I later learnt that M had made a major blunder in the accounts. At the end, she had misplaced $9000. What's worse? The trail was untraceable. The money, unrecoverable.
Two days after Christmas, we were all back in office. I was still living on the events of that night. The encounter with Mr. Victor Russell. Sometimes I'd bury my face in the pillow and curse off for missing a golden opportunity that presented itself. Other times, I was gald that I hadn't given in to Satan and did something so dumb, that most definitely would have made our lives miserable. Not to mention the awkwardness, had he not retaliated the kiss. Dodged a bullet there. Phew!
But my day dreaming time was cut short at office. M didn't turn up to office after the holiday break. Vincent Buster had quit before the holidays. It was just myself, Kaden and Mr. Morton for the operations. The sales team operated as usual. Work piled on my desk. I wasn't granted leave of any sorts. Heck I had to come and work with a case of a bad flu!
"It's just one day, Angelica. We will break for New Year's eve. You can stay home and rest tomorrow." Kaden just went on.
What is wrong with you, man? Seriously. Couldn't they find a temp to replace the missing SDMs? But with so many staffs taking the week off for holidays, there was nothing to be done. Michael Balkan offered to help me in little things. But he wasn't of much help. It was Ibuprofen that helped me survive the long day.
Worse Christmas was followed by a frightful New Year's day. I was down with the flu. My body burned and the cold was worse. I couldn't celebrate the day with family nor friends. Chicken soup was the drink of the day and Netflix was my friend. I had no idea when I drifted away into a deep sleep. But somewhere in my head, the epsiode of the R & R played in my mind.
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Comfort drink..... TEA!🤒
Cover pic: ChRiStMaS
"You're like the dumbest person alive, kid." a tiny evil inner voice said. "Seriously, how the hell could you have missed the chance? It probably was your only chance to make a move!"
"No, that felt wrong. I mean, yeah, I like him and all, but, he is married for God's sake." my good side claimed. "He's my boss too. And what if people come to know about what happened, huh? What will they think of me?"
"Yeah... yeah... keep saying that and shut yourself out of the reality."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Look, you know you like him. I mean, I know it. You have never ever felt this way about a guy. There are so many handsome men walking in to the branch. But you've never really given a second look at them! It's like they're all invisible to you now."
"What?! No! I look at cute guys! I've not changed. That's just a preposterous accusation." the good in me screamed.
"Right." the other voice sarcastically reacted.
"Besides, he is like twice my age. It would've been weird. And he is a super straight guy. Not the kind that would have his eyes following around the female coworkers."
"Keep telling that to yourself. If he wasn't really interested, then why do you think he was out there, in the parking lot, with you?"
"He probably got a call and took it outside. And just happened to see me there. Maybe his car was parked in the same area."
"Uh huh, and he just happened to catch you all alone, getting in your car. And what do you think he would've noticed when he was outside your car?"
Everything my mind said made sense. But, Victor just doesn't seem like that type. I mean, I was at the bar, drinking in the sight of all the hot ladies around me. And I noticed plently of guys mentally undressing the girls. They starred at every cleavage, every exposed midriff, every curved ass. But not once did I catch Victor looking at a woman that way. He always looked at their eyes when talking. He looked into my eyes when he spoke to me. I knew his gaze was directed to my eyes and not the exposed skin of my racks. A girl knows it. She can feel a guy's stare. And his gaze was a respectful, genuinely concerned gaze.
Damn, looks like I'm hopelessly into him.
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Oh... how true the words of this wise man are #charlieHarper 😥😣 poor Angelica's situation.
______________________________________________ A busy month had kept me from writing. Hope you're enjoying this piece after the wait. 😊😊
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I shall try to post chapters on a weekly basis. Wish you a good read. ~ GS