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2:21 Am
Billie wakes up and cries in pain waking Celestial.
"Baby." Billie says, "I hurt so badly, I don't feel good." And then grabs one of the vomit bags from the dispenser.
"Here, I got you my love" Celestial tells Billie.
She holds back Billie's hair with one hand and helps Billie hold the bag with the other since she doesn't have the energy to do it herself.
Celestial is basically holding Billie up as she gets sick so she doesn't choke on her own vomit.
When she's finished getting sick she just curls up in her girlfriend's arms and falls back to sleep.
So, Celestial throws the bag in the trash and grabs another one just in case.
The nurses must've known because just then a couple walk in, "I'll take the trash out for you." One says.
The other takes Billie vitals and temperature.
"She still has a pretty high temperature, I'll go talk to the doctor about getting her some medication." The other nurse says and then pages.
"The doctor gave us the go ahead to give her a fever reducer through her port, the side effect is nausea so we will have to give her an anti nausea on top of the fever reducer okay?" The nurse says quietly.
Celestial nods her head.
Billie gently stirs as the nurse messes with her port and gives her the medications.
"Someone will be back later to check on her, have a good night." The nurse says as she leaves.

Celestial hears Billie start to whimper again and she rustles in her sleep. Celestial notices Billie is about to get sick again so she gets the bag ready to help.
As Billie gets sick, Celestial can't tell if Billie is even awake at this point but when she finishes she snuggles up even closer with Celestial.
"It's gonna be a long night." Celestial thinks to herself.
Billie tosses and turns then gets sick repeatedly through the night.
Each round of chemo is expected to get worse and the fact that Billie has to do it once a week and will most likely be dealing with this for at least 6 months breaks Celestial's heart.
Billie has been diagnosed with chronic leukemia, it isn't terminal but it's also much harder to treat then acute leukemia so the treatment has to be fast and aggressive.
It's going to be a very very long road...

-Flash back- tw- child abuse and sexual assault-

The girls are 10 years old and the sun has set and they do what they do every night that Celestial gets to stay home.
They take out their Morris code handbooks and flashlights that Patrick got them and tell stories when they should be sleeping. Maggie and Patrick often hear Billie giggle through out the night along with aggressive page turning. They don't mind though.
Celestial on the other hand turns the pages as quietly as she can, listening for footsteps. Her parents are usually either doing drugs or knocked out from the drugs. She still keeps a look out though cause sometimes someone picks her up and takes her to their house or stays there with her.
Tonight is one of those nights.
She hears the front door open and quickly tells Billie goodbye in Morris code and then shuts the blinds.
She doesn't want Billie to have to see what happens.
This time is a woman and for a moment Celestial thinks it's going to be okay.
Her hopes are crushed when the lady says, "your parents said you're gonna help them pay for what I brought them. Now you owe me a favor."

-Flash back over-

Celestial never would've imagined she'd learn to trust again and now the person who taught her what love is and helped her know how to trust is suffering so greatly. She tries not to think of the worst case scenario but it's hard to be positive when the person you love is currently throwing up from chemotherapy.
Celestial is once again, holding Billie up as she gets sick but this time she sings a song to help calm Billie a little bit.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You never know dear how much I love you.
Please, please, please don't take my sunshine away."

"Please don't take her away." Celestial whispers, holding Billie who has just fallen asleep again.
"Don't ever leave me."

A/N: sorry not sorry for the spam of new chapters. I am low key obsessed with this story. I hope you all are enjoying it, if not... ahaha oh well I love it soooo

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