Chapter 1

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Victorias POV

Wow... I think while my Uber takes me to my hotel. After years of dreaming about coming to Los Angeles I finally made it. Me, 22 years old Victoria Porter, got on a plane and flew to Los Angeles. The furthest I've been away from home, Germany, was England and now I'm here. Thousands of miles away from my family and friends I'm starting a new life.

It was the right choice to leave. Nothing was holding me in Germany anymore, not after my break-up with Max. He managed to turn most of our friends against me, not even my family believed me when I told them it was his fault not mine. Max had always been good at manipulating people... I should know, he managed to make me believe I was his one and only for 2 years.

My Uber stops in front of a gorgeous building. Pushing the thoughts about my past away I get out, take me luggage and make my way to the entrance of the building. I chose to stay at the Hampton Inn right on Santa Monica Boulevard. It is only a few minutes away from Sunset Boulevard where I'm meant to have a look at locations for my club in a few days.

You are probably wondering where a 22 year old got the money to move to LA and buy her own business from. Well, I was lucky. When my grandpa died he left me basically everything he owned. He knew how important this dream of mine was and I will forever be grateful that he believed in me enough to let me have everything he owned. My parents weren't happy when they realized it, they never thought I could pull this off. I owe it my grandpa and myself to prove them wrong.

A few hours later

After freshening up I decide to take a walk around the area to get an idea of my surroundings. This is all still so surreal to me. I make my way down to Santa Monica Pier and can't believe I'm actually here. I sit down at the beach and watch the waves, listening to the kids screaming and jumping in the water. It's a lovely fall day, still warm enough to enjoy the water, but not too hot to just sit at the beach.

After a while I decide to walk back to my hotel, taking a detour along Sunset Boulevard. I promised myself to not look at the venues prior to the days I was actually meant to but I just can't help it - I am too excited. While checking where exactly I have to walk on my phone I suddenly bump into something... no... someone... I start to tremble, loosing my balance. Landing on my bum I feel something warm on my arm. When I turn to have a look I see a huge stain of coffee all over my sleeve - well probably wasn't my best idea to wear white today, was it?

"Oh my god - I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" I snap out of my thoughts and look up into the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my entire life. I stare at the guy for a second too long so he repeats: "Are you alright?" He holds out his hand and I take it. Back on my feet I finally find my voice again. "Yeah, don't worry. It was my fault, I should have paid attention to where I'm going." I smile at him sheepishly. Damn, those eyes should be forbidden.

"No it absolutely was my fault!" His eyes catch the stain on my sleeve. "Oh damn, I'm so sorry I ruined your shirt!" Stop looking into his eyes Victoria, you won't be able to say a single word if you don't stop. Focus, he is talking to you, you look like an absolute idiot. What did he say again? Right, my shirt! "It's fine - didn't like it that much anyway." He breaks into a big smile - good lord, first those eyes and now that? "Let me make it up to you - can I get you a coffee?" Keep breathing Victoria, stay focused. Damn it is hard to focus when those eyes are staring at you. "Coffee? You really don't have to." - "But I want to." He wants to? He wants to have a coffee with me? What is this? Am I Cinderella?

I mean, if he insists? "Yeah, ok, a coffee would be great." - "Sweet, there's a Starbucks right around the corner. Let's go" He grabs my arm and moves us towards where the Starbucks is supposed to be. His touch sends shivers down my spine. Is it possible to fall for someone that quickly? Or did I hit my head when falling? Am I dreaming? If I am I don't ever wanna wake up. He stops dragging me after him and smiles. "Here we are - the finest coffee shop in whole Hollywood." He starts laughing about his own joke. Gosh, he is so adorable. "Probably not but they are all I can offer right now. M'lady?" He opens the door and gestures for me to go through. I am definitely dreaming.

There are hardly any people in the store so we are next in line. "I'll have an iced coffee - black." He says. "And the lady..." He looks at me, staring into my eyes. Those eyes! Focus Victoria! "Ehm... I'll have an Iced Chocolate Frappuccino please." He grins. "What?" - "Didn't paint you as the fancy Starbucks drink type." I role my eyes at him. "And your names?" The guy behind the counter asks. "Victoria", I quickly respond before I can get distracted by the eyes staring at me again. "I'm Charlie", he says.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now