Chapter Twenty-Seven : Free

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

A week had passed since the child was due and I was growing in frustration, I'd tried every suggestion to induce my labour and even Kylo was getting warn out. He's turned down my last request of another round of sex and tried to persuade me to drink the blue milk he'd heard would induce labour. Which smelt rotten and I refused to drink it, it had caused another argument between us. We walked to the doctor's appointment in silence that morning.

"Everything looks good." She smiled as she ran the probe over my stomach. "Nice and strong heartbeat."

"When will the child arrive?" Kylo asked through his mask, I could feel his urgency to have this child born already.

"They are very comfortable in there, they have dropped but I can't see them arriving within the week. At this point I would discuss induction, but the Supreme Leader has forbidden any medical interventions."

I growled. "And what if the child doesn't arrive naturally? Do I stay pregnant for the rest of my life?" I snapped.

"Mrs Ren I will request an audience with the Supreme Leader to discuss the matter, as it would be dangerous to let you go past 42 weeks gestation."

"Don't bother I will do it." I felt a surge of rage from Kylo as he stalked out of the room, leaving the doctor to help me down from the bed.

"Is there anything else I can help with?" She asked me hopefully.

I shook my head sadly. "No thank you, I just want this baby out already."

"I know it's uncomfortable, but hopefully it won't be for much longer" I could feel her sympathy for me and her frustration that she wasn't able to take care of her patient as she wanted. But she was scared at what would happen if she disobeyed Snokes order.

I said goodbye before pulling on my cloak to walk back to our quarters alone, where to my surprise Ushar was sat waiting for me.

"Hello Miss Ren, still pregnant I see?" He asked teasing me.

"Don't start with me and get your feet off my furniture." I slapped his legs off the coffee table and struggled my way down next to him.

"You know I am surprised with the amount of noise coming out of here that the kid hasn't slid out of you yet." He smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"We've heard you, Kylo's thoughts are very loud." He burst into laughter when I flashed a vivid shade of red.

"Don't be so vulgar" I smacked his leg again. "Kylo will murder you if he knows you've spoken to me like that."

"That's why it's so fun to make fun of you." He laughed out loud.

"Maybe you need to get out more." I nudged him. "Have you gone through all of the galaxies whores now?"

"I wish, Ren has banned us from leaving until your child is born." He sighed.

"Why? You aren't to deliver it?" I laughed at the ridiculous thought of the Knights of Ren midwife team.

"He's concerned that whilst you are both preoccupied it'll be the perfect time for an attack." Ushar explained

"That makes sense but he's not wrong to worry, but it could be a while yet."

"Just give me five minutes and I can stimulate labour." I could almost hear the smirk under his visor.

I gave him a death stare.

"Don't let Kylo catch you speaking to me like that, he will rip your tongue out."

"Anyway, is there anything good on the data pads?" He changed the subject quickly, I could sense his unease about potentially overstepping the line with me.

We settled on a film whilst we waited for Kylos return, he finally showed up midway through the film.

"Ah Ushar, have you kept her out of trouble?" He smiled pulling his helmet off

"Of course, sir."

"Leave now."

I watched as Ushar got up and sarcastically bowed to us before leaving.

"He's a dickhead." Kylo smirked before falling to his knees in front of me.

"How was your chat with Snoke?" I asked opening my legs and he slid closer towards me.

"He won't let them induce you, but he's confident that this baby will be born soon enough." His lips lowered down onto my legs, pulling my leggings down below my knees. His lips trailed slowly up my legs, he was teasing me and it was working, I was melting underneath his touch.

"Kylo." I purred.

He pulled my underwear down, and his lips slowly glided over my lips before gently nipping at my clit. My back arched and I struggled to stay sat on the sofa, he reached his arm across me holding me into place as I slowly squirmed under his hold.

I moaned and screamed out in pleasure as his lips got faster and more eager, I could feel heat spreading throughout my body, and my orgasm built stronger and stronger. I screamed out in pleasure as I orgasmed.

"And that's just the warmup Princess." Kylo whispered in my ear as I breathed out loudly coming down from my orgasm. He scooped me up in his arms and strode over to the bedroom and placed me on the bed effortlessly.

"Legs open" He ordered as he stuffed a pillow behind my back, he pulled his clothes off as I obeyed, opening my legs and I pulled off my shirt throwing it to the side. I closed my eyes and breathed as he slid in his cock and slowly ground into me. He played with my clit in rhythm into his grinds, I was like putty in his hands as he pounded into me faster and faster. I felt him fill me up with his seed, and he stayed locked into position staring into my eyes.

"I love you." He smiled with meaning.

"I love you too." 

"Now come on we're going out."

"Really? I'm overdue and tired." I moaned.

"Snokes invited some guests, he wants us to attend tonights dinner. It could finally put you into labour."

"Space travel induces labour now?" I raised my eyebrows sceptically.

"Can't hurt, come on."


I felt incredibly uncomfortable and stared at, the only evening dress that remotely fit me bulged and strained over my stomach. I pulled it down again for the millionth time at the dinner table.

'Stop it, you look fine' I felt Kylo in my head.

'I look like I've swallowed a bantha.'

He smirked. 'You do not, you look beautiful. Filled with my child, you are the envy of the room.'

'Stop lying, have you seen the disgusted glances Hux keeps throwing my way?'

'He's jealous, Snoke won't allow him to take a wife.'

'Poor Huxy, can't get laid.'

'Are you comfortable, would you like to go home?'

I shook my head, our connection was disrupted by one of our guests asking another mundane question. 

Finally we left, I was so exhausted I fell asleep on kylos lap on our transport ride home.

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