Chapter Fifteen : Married Life

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Chapter Fifteen

This isn't how I pictured spending my wedding night, as a teenager I had imagined my wedding and the first night with my husband. Firstly, my new husband hadn't carried me over the threshold, he hadn't even bothered to hold the door open for me. It almost slammed in my face, he didn't show me around our new quarters as newlyweds he went straight off into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. That was a very clear signal that he expected me to spend the night on the sofa then, at least the sofa was large and looked comfortable. I found a cloak hanging up in the closet by the door and sighed as I sunk down into the sofa, throwing the cloak around me, this wasn't how it was meant to be. I should have be deeply in love with my husband, he should want to take me home and immediately make love to me. But this marriage was being forced upon him as well, he was so loyal and committed to Snoke that he would do anything for him. Snoke hadn't told him to love me, so I doubted that he ever would. Or if he even could, I dreaded whatever the future could hold for me. How on earth could we bring a child into this.

Half an hour had passed and Kylo still hadn't emerged, so I gave up waiting and went into the fresher to remove the stupid gown. It was incredibly difficult I tried to remove it alone as I didn't particularly want his help. But the stupid back needed a second pair of hands, so I reluctantly knocked on the bedroom door.

"What." Kylo bellowed from the other side of the door.

"Can you please help me out of my dress." I asked softly.

He didn't answer but whipped the door open suddenly and startled me.

"Turn around" He ordered.

I tensed as I fully expected him to be rough and hurt me as he removed the dress, but surprisingly his fingers were nimble and gentle as he undid the lace up back. I turned to face him.

"Thank you, I know this isn't what you wanted either, but I want us to at least be civil." I was desperate to at least make a peace offering, to try and make our lives together a little easier. There was enough turmoil in my life, I wanted to try and make our 'home' together at least comfortable. But Kylo just slammed the door in my face again.

I spent the first week of our marriage on the couch, what a sucky honeymoon this was turning out to be. Locked in our quarters with a man that hated me, not even sharing a bed. The sofa was slowly taking its toll on me and my shoulders and back ached when I woke up. On the seventh night Snoke summoned us both to his private dining room, Kylo instructed me to wear my best dress and to make an effort.

"Anything for you hubby" I teased, he just gave me a cold hard stare in return.


"Mr and Mr Ren, how are the newlyweds" The creep beamed when Kylo led me in. "Please join me"

He gestured towards the table that he was sat at which was laid out for a dinner, so this wasn't to be the short meeting I'd hoped it'd be.

"Is Kylo treating you well my dear?" He asked me, being kind didn't suit him it seemed so insincere.

"Yes Supreme Leader" I gave him a weak smile.

"Ah but I can read the boys mind, he has nothing but hatred for you. What a shame the force wants you two to be bound and yet he resents you." Snoke sneered and I could hear Kylo gulp.

"Supreme Leader-" Kylo started.

"Silence boy." Snoke shouted. "I don't want to hear your excuses, I want a pleasant meal with your new wife."

He turned and stared at me.

"You looked beautiful on your wedding day, any man would have been lucky to have you as his bride. It's a shame that Kylo is too petulant to see that" He glared at Kylo.

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