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It was an average day, well for you. It was the first day of going to UA and you weren't all that hyped up and excited about it because to you, it was just another school but with your father being one of the top heroes, you kinda had to come to UA.

Sure you were strong enough that you did get recommendations but  your father did pave the way for you, which bothered you a ton. You hated the reason you were here was because of your dad.

You had released a dramatic huff as you walk up the few steps and walked inside the building. Everyone was walking down the halls and talking to each other but you just continued to walk towards the class and noticed the door was already open for the students to come in.

You didn't know anyone. All the friends you had went to a different school or just didn't want to come to UA to become a hero. Shit, you didn't even want to be here and you didn't even want to become a hero.

You looked around the small classroom, seeing a few students already talking and you kept to yourself and sat somewhat close to the back near the window.

"Watch where you're going you idiot." You heard a thick obnoxious voice enter the classroom.

Soon your eyes met with a pair of fiery red ones before seeing him stomp to the seat not far from yours. What was his problem? You thought, he clearly had a nasty attitude that you already didn't like.

You watched the kid stumble in behind him nervously, mumbling sorry to the angry one before sitting by him.

After some time passed, your teacher finally made an entrance. The one and only, Aizawa. You already knew of him because of your dad and who else doesn't know about the hero who can make your quirk stop working just by keeping his eyes open.

"Alright class, first things first, we will be going outside and testing out everyone's quirks so we can get to know each other." He sounded grumpy and quite tired. You knew this was already going to be a long day.


The class stood around outside, waiting for further instructions but made small conversations. You stood with your arms crossed over your chest, feeling someone tap your shoulder and you turned to look at who it was. A girl with short brown hair had given you a small smile, she could tell you were lonely and quiet. She simply wanted to be nice, maybe make a new friend and deep down you appreciated that.

"I'm Uraraka, I noticed you earlier. I can tell you don't know anyone here," she awkwardly said, standing there hoping you wouldn't tell her to fuck off.

"I'm Y/N and I definitely don't know anyone here. Seems everyone is pretty much already friends, huh? Guess that's what happens when you don't go to any schools nearby." You shrugged, shoving your hands inside the pockets of the gym clothes you all had to change into.

"Everyone here is friendly, maybe except Bakugou but— you get what I'm saying." She stumbled a bit on her words and listening to what she had said, you automatically knew who Bakugou was from the encounter you witness right before class started.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks." You gave her another smile, opening your mouth to try and strike up another conversation before Aizawa interrupted.

"Alright, I'll call you up one by one. We'll be doing a few exercises to test your abilities."

And one by one, you watched everyone do their quirks and all of them were pretty fascinating to watch and learn about. Some quirks you never seen up close, some were just the basics which were pretty cool too.

"Y/N, you're up." You never were the type to get nervous presenting in front of everyone but this time it felt different. Your hands started to get sweaty and you stepped up in front and took a deep breath.

Your quirk, in simple terms, was Earth. You can pick up pieces from the Earth, you can somewhat control the weather around you but that one, you still haven't quite mastered. You didn't know which one to show off first, you could make the ground shake beneath the class or pick up a chunk of the ground and toss it. This quirk was still a bit difficult for you to manage, I mean being able to tear apart the Earth with your mind wasn't something to be super excited and proud of, right?

You had sucked in a sharp breath, looking down at the ground and gathering up an average chunk of it before throwing it up in the air and quickly breaking it apart in multiple pieces that will make sure not to hit and hurt someone.

You heard a few claps, glancing back at the class talking about how interesting your quirk is and how it could be for great use. You simply shrugged it off, told them it wasn't all that great to have.

"Earth conjurer, huh? If so I believe you can do multiple things with your quirk." Aizawa mentioned, you looked up at him and tilted your head.

"Depends on the situation. I haven't mastered the weather yet but can do the basics, can also somewhat control the water flowing under the ground too but that one isn't all that interesting— kinda just like being a squirt gun." You somewhat laughed, stepping back from the front and back to where your classmates stood.

"It's not all that impressive, not like mine anyways." The same guy from earlier, that you assumed was Bakugou until Aizawa confirmed his name. You rolled your eyes at the cocky attitude he had.

"Be careful, water is your weakness fire boy." You made your hand into a gun, pretending to shoot him and you heard him grumble.

"Watch it, extra." You raised your eyebrow at the sudden nickname he shot at you, you knew he was going to work your last nerve at this school just by looking at him.

"Don't mind him, he's an air head." A boy mentioned beside you and it was the same kid that Bakugou had yelled at earlier.

"I'm Midoriya, your quirk is really amazing. How long did it take for you to practice that? I mean, pulling the ground apart." He rambled on about your quirk, you thought it was cute how excited he was about it. You never really seen someone get this excited about your quirk, even your father didn't really acknowledge you.

"Well, my dad had started training me when I was young and that part kind of came naturally. The ones I still am trying to master fully, there's some hiccups to those though." You noticed Midoriya in his train of thoughts, his head spun as he thought about how amazing your quirk could be.

All of a sudden you heard a loud explosion, almost completely forgetting that class was still going on and you saw Bakugou smirking and going on about how great his explosions were.


And with that, class was over and you had stuffed your hands back in your pockets as you started to walk towards the classroom door until you heard your name being called. You glanced over seeing Midoriya and Uraraka waving you over with some of the other classmates.

You hesitated before walking up to them, trying to figure out if you wanted to head home or try to make conversation so you weren't all that alone in here.

"We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to study hall, we wanted to hang out and get to know each other more." Uraraka mentioned and you got taken aback, they wanna study after class?

You can tell how real committed they are with this school and you couldn't help but want to laugh. You shrugged.

"Sure, why not. What are we doing first?"

"Maybe just sitting down and talking about our quirks and all?"

"Who invited this extra?" Bakugou walked towards the back of the classroom with his hands inside of his pockets.

"No need to get fired up, Bakugou. Or else I'll burn you out." You made another sarcastic water joke and started to laugh as his face started to turn red.

"Like you could ever beat me, dumb ass!" His voice gotten louder and you were even more amused.

"Short temper, explosion quirk. It all makes sense now." You put your hand up to your chin and stared at him up and down.

"Shut it before I blow your head off."

"I'll like to see you try."

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