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| F I R S T Y E A R |Father told me to stay close to Rowan no matter what, since we knew his family well

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| F I R S T Y E A R |
Father told me to stay close to Rowan no matter what, since we knew his family well. He also told me to ask someone's blood status before talking to them. That's how things have always been as a Malfoy. "Is this cart available?" I look up from my book to see two identical red heads.

Father told me about a family of red heads, Weasleys I believe? He said they were 'blood traitors' and to stay away from them.

What father doesn't know won't hurt him.

"It isn't." Rowan says from behind them. He has two people with him, our age. I let out a huff as the twins walk away. I didn't even get their names.

| S E C O N D Y E A R |
"I still can't believe we made the team!" Sage grins as we get into uniform. "They usually don't let girls on the Slytherin team." She adds. "Well, my father made a sizable donation to the team so I pretty much get anything I want." I reply.

"Thanks for getting me on the team by the way." She smiles. I'm interrupted by the door opening. "You better be dressed." The captain says before leaving. Sage and I pick up our brooms from the bench before joining the rest of the team.

"Elara watch out!" Sage calls out. I quickly duck my head, a bludger barely missing my head. "Weasley!" I groan, watching the red head fly away with a large smirk on his freckled face.

| T H I R D Y E A R |
"Draco. Stop throwing the m word around left and right." I demand. "And what are you gonna do about it?" He talks back. "I won't hesitate to tell mother about the time you-" "okay fine! But I won't stop calling the Weasley's blood traitors." He reasons. "What was that Malfoy?" The twins as as they walk past us. "Nothing boys, just a conversation between a girl and her little brother. Move along now." I watch as they walk away with curious looks.

| F O U R T H Y E A R |
"Ah! What the hell?" I jump at the fireworks in my path. The sound of laughing comes from behind me. I turn to see none other than the Weasley twins. "How did you even know I was coming?" I ask with a hand on my racing heart. "That's classified information." Fred, I think, replies with a cocky grin.

| F I F T H Y E A R |
"Rowan, Tate looks lonely and Sage looks miserable I need to save them both." I pull away from the awkward dance with my best friend . "It's not that I don't like you it's all men." Sage tells Tate. "Technically, I'm not a man." Tate replies jokingly. "Is there something you wish to tell us, Sage?" I raise an eyebrow to Sage and Tate. She shakes her head quickly before practically running away to the food table. "Do you want a drink?" Tate asks. "Sure." I reply with a sweet smile as they walk away. "You look pretty decent for a Malfoy." Fred Weasley smirks down at me. "You don't look to bad yourself, Weasley."

| S I X T H Y E A R |
"Draco, that sounds like a cult, I'm not joining." I reply with a stern voice. This year, Draco's number one goal has been to make Harry Potter's life a living hell. I mean sure the kid can be annoying at times but he doesn't deserve the hate my father demands from us. "It's for extra credit." Draco pleads. "I said no."

I watch as a few people come out of a large door I've never seen. I assume it's this secret group Draco and Rowan have been going on about. A few of them see me and seem nervous. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything, just trying to get to my dorm." I throw my hands up defensively. I hear footsteps behind me so I quickly turn the corner I just came from. "Have you seen anyone?" Draco asks with his group behind him. "Yeah I'm pretty sure they went that way." I point to a different hall. "Thanks Elara." Draco smirks before leaving. "You know, you aren't so bad Elara Malfoy." Fred Weasley says from behind me. "Neither are you, Fred Weasley." I wink before walking away.

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
This chapter was simply to give some background into Elara and Fred and hint towards Elara's character traits. Also- yes we do have a wlw character AND Tate's pronouns are they/them btw.

 Also- yes we do have a wlw character AND Tate's pronouns are they/them btw

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