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"How are you so good at potions Elara?" Tate asks as we leave the classroom. "It's not that hard guys," I reply. "You just brewed perfect amortentia in the three hours we had in class," Sage states matter-of-factly. "You make it sound difficult." I laugh.

"It is!" They replied at the same time. "It did smell really good though." Tate shrugs. "You smelled something?" Sage gasps. "I'm not heartless." He replies. "Well, what, or who, did you smell?" I question. "I'm not telling you two that."


"I'll see you later guys, need to go put someone in their place." I pat their shoulders before turning to find the voice that called me. "What do you want Weasley?" I ask, pretending to be annoyed.

"I need your help with the potion." Fred puts on a cute face. "Why me?" I ask. "Because you are the best in class and my mum will kill me if I fail this class." He begs. "Fine, grab everything you need and meet me by the black lake, where the patch of clovers is," I reply before walking away.

"I've brought everything," Fred states, setting down the cauldron in front of me. "Okay Fred, remember this is for class. No funny business." I raise an eyebrow. "Me? Funny business? Never!" He smirks as I roll my eyes.

"First add in the Standard Potioning Water." I watch as he pours the clear liquid into the cauldron. I light a small flame under the cauldron. Next, I helped him properly bruise the peppermint flower heads before we sprinkled them into the water.

"I'll pour in the powdered moonstone while you stir okay." He nods before stirring the liquid counterclockwise. I then sprinkle in the rose thorns. "Normally this potion takes a week to brew but I've found that letting it brew for an hour on high heat has the same effect, don't tell anyone though," I explain.

"So what should we do for an hour?" Fred smirks. "I don't want to know what is happening behind those eyes of yours," I state. "Oh come on, admit it, your starting to like me." He grins.

"You aren't that bad, I'll give you that much." I smile. Suddenly a small bit of water is thrown on my head. "Seriously Fred!" I squeal as the cold water trails down my back.

He stands up and runs away, me quickly following. He disappears into the small patch of trees next to where we were seated. "You can't hide from me forever Weasley." A small scream escapes my lips as I am pressed against a tree.

"You're right, I can't." He smirks. I roll my eyes before pulling him closer by his tie. "What are you going to do about that, Fred?" I whisper. "This." He breathes out before crashing our lips together.

We both smile into the kiss. This time is different, it isn't as desperate and needy as the others we have shared. This one is almost like one a traditional couple would share.

His lips trail down to my neck, sucking light bruises that will fade by the morning. "Fred, the potion." I breathe out. "We still have time Elara." He replies against my skin. "Not enough time for what we both want right now," I reply.

"Both of us?" Fred smirks as his face meets mine. "I said what I said," I smirk before kissing him once and running away.

Just as I reach the clearing he catches up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me off the ground. "Fred!  Put me down!" I laugh. "Nope." He replies, moving so my legs wrap around his waist.

"You just wanted to put your hands on my thighs, didn't you?" I smirk. "Can't say it didn't cross my mind."

We watch as the potion becomes a beautiful pearlescent color. "What do you smell?" I ask. "I- um- I smell, the ocean, champagne, and- something sweet, like perfume?" He raises an eyebrow before mumbling to himself.

"What about you?" I lean over the cauldron to fully smell it. Fudge, cinnamon, and- gunpowder? Wait no.

"I- have to go, bottle it up and turn it into Slughorn. I'm sure you'll get a perfect score." I quickly pick up my back and walk away, hoping Fred doesn't follow me.

Did I smell Fred Weasley? That can't be possible.

| A U T H O R S N O T E |
Currently at work rn :) can old men please stop calling me darling and dear 😃🤚🏼

| A U T H O R S N O T E |Currently at work rn :) can old men please stop calling me darling and dear 😃🤚🏼

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