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I gaze at the sunset from my bedroom window. It's the only thing I can do, chained in without my wand. Father was scared I may run so he ordered my Aunt Bellatrix to charm metal chains that are impossible to escape from. At least she was kind enough to attach me to the window so I would have something pretty to look at.

Based on the ramblings, tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow is the day they plan to raid Hogwarts. "Wakey Wakey, Pretty girl." The horrid voice of my aunt calls. "Oh good, you're already up." She grins wickedly. "The men have requested this outfit for you today, a little too preppy for my taste though." She shrugs, laying out the outfit. "Remember, once I take these off, don't try to run or you will be dead before you reach the door." Bellatrix grins before taking off the chains. I get dressed quickly, not wanting her eyes on me for much longer.

"Let's go, they are waiting for you." She says, waving her wand towards the door. I nod before walking out the door, to the dining room where everyone usually is. "I would start pouring the celebratory drinks if I were you." She hisses in my ear before taking a seat at the table. I take the bottle in my hands, walking around the table offering drinks to all of the death eaters present. "Thank you, Elara." My father says. "You're welcome" I reply with a curt nod.

"Welcome, my loyal followers." The dark lord rasps out. "I am pleased to inform you, tomorrow is the day we have all waited for." He announces, creating cheers from the people at the table. "There are many more of us that will be fighting. They are unfortunately preoccupied with last-minute recruiting." He reports. "If I may, I have a suggestion, my lord." Bellatrix states.

"Yes, Bella" He urges her to continue. "What if the lovely Elara joined us tomorrow" I freeze in my tracks as the blood rushes from my face. "That sounds like a good idea Bellatrix, thank you. You and Lucius may do the honors" He grins evilly. I drop the bottle in my hand and run, knowing it wouldn't help at all, but my instincts kicked in. "Nice try Elara" My father chuckles before dragging me to my bedroom with Bellatrix following.

"Please don't do this dad, please." I cry. "This is your destiny Elara. You need to be on the right side of things." He replies. "This isn't right, what you are doing isn't right." I ramble. "That Weasley boy got to your head." Bellatrix sneered. "You guys are brainwashed to believe this is the right thing to do but it isn't." I know it's no use on them but I am trying to stall the inevitable. "Shut up stupid girl! Put out your right arm. Now." Bellatrix demands.

I hold my arms close to my chest as tears stream down my cheeks. "Please no." I whimper. My father roughly grabs my right wrist and Bellatrix puts her wand against my forearm. I cry put at the searing pain the mark caused. "Now, now no need for tears." Bellatrix attempts to coo but it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. I rip my arm from my father's grip and hold it close to my chest. "Let us leave her be, we have a big day tomorrow." My father says as he stands up.

Bellatrix attaches the chains on my ankles this time before leaving. I do my best to bring my knees to my chest in an attempt to comfort myself. Once I am sure no one is outside my door I reach under the cushion for the piece of parchment. My goodbye letter.

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