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E L A R AI personally spent the entire day in bed, even skipping meals

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I personally spent the entire day in bed, even skipping meals. Once I sobered up and woke up to an empty bed it settled in.

I had sex with Fred Weasley. And liked it.

If Lucius ever found out no- no one will find out. If I'm good at anything it's keeping secrets. I mean- no one knows that the dark lord currently resides in the basement of Malfoy Manor.

"Finally, I thought I was going to have to drag you out of bed," Tate says as I sit next to Sage. "Are you okay?" Rowan asks. "Why wouldn't I be?" I reply while trying to keep my gaze away from the Gryffindor table.

"Because it's dinner time and the first meal you've eaten today." He states matter of factly. "Guys." Sage interrupts. "Yes?" I quirk an eyebrow at her sudden urgency. "You will love me no matter what right?" She fidgets with the rings on her hands- is she nervous?

"Of course Sage, I mean look at me, I used to think we were only friends because of my last name." Tate answers. "I think- no I know- Imalesbian." She rushes out, something she used to do when she didn't want us to understand what she was saying.

"What really? I had no idea!" Rowan gasps. I lean over the table to smack his head before speaking. "I'm so proud of you Sage." I smile before hugging her. "Feels good to have that out of the way." She sighs happily. "Something else is wrong, what is it?" Tate asks.

"What if I said that last night- at the party- I slept with a muggle-born." Sage takes a deep breath, waiting for our answer. I know that Tate couldn't care less about blood status, but Rowan on the other hand.

"Sage, we love you no matter what," I assure her, looking to Rowan. "Yeah, what El said." He nods before looking down at his food. "With that out of the way, who did you sneak off with last night?" Sage asks, taking a bite of her salad.

"Um- no one special really." I press my lips together as I glance at the Gryffindor table, locking eyes with Fred. He smirks before turning back to his friends.

"What house are they in?" Tate asks. "Ravenclaw I think," I reply before taking a bite of my food so I couldn't answer any more questions.

The rest of dinner is spent listening to Sage and Tate arguing over potions class. It is also spent with occasional glances between Fred and me. We both agreed that what happened was a one-time thing.

I have a feeling that there might be another time.

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
it's 4 pm and I'm so tired- staying up till two am writing smut wasn't a good idea 😔🤚🏼.

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