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I touch my hand to my back pocket. To the letter. Today is the day. "Come Elara." My, father demands. I shakingly take his hand as we disappear into black smoke. We arrive at the top of a hill not too far from Hogwarts. Death eaters gathered for miles, talking about the win they intend to gain. It isn't long until I watch as death eaters around me run towards Hogwarts.

Towards my home for the past seven years. Towards the only place, I felt safe. I run as fast as I can to find him. To find Fred. My wand is wrapped tightly in my hand as I dodge curses from left and right, mainly people unknowing of who I am other than my surname. "Elara!" I recognize that voice anywhere. "Fred" I sigh out, the tears pouring out.

"Love, what did they do to you?" He asks, looking at the marks on my wrists. "I don't want to talk about it right now, we have a war to win." He nods before pressing his lips to mine. "Don't let that be the last time we get to do that." He mutters. "I'll try," I reply. "Promise me Elara, I can't lose you." He cries. "I promise."

"On your right!" I shout to Fred. "Thanks, love" He smiles as the death eater flies back. "Anytime," I reply before sending another death eater into the air. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He grins. "Once or twice." I joke, knowing what is about to happen.

"Weasley." The horrid voice of my father hisses. "Father," I warn, walking closer to Fred. "You corrupted my daughter, put awful ideas in her mind." Lucius fumes. "Dad stop," I beg, watching as he raises his wand. "I want you to feel the pain I did when I found out she was in love with a filthy blood traitor." Lucius pulls his wand back.

Everything starts going in slow motion as I watch the red light erupt from his wand. Back at the manor, I heard him asking about curses that would kill, but not immediately. I quickly jump in front of Fred, feeling the pain wash over me like a warm blanket. "Elara!" Fred shouts as he bends down to the ground, placing my head in his lap.

"Please don't go, please." He begs with teary eyes. I reach a shaking hand to my back pocket, taking out the folded paper. "What's this?" He sniffles. "I love you, Fred Weasley," I whisper as the pain begins to take over. "It's okay love, I'm here. I'm right here." His soothing voice slowly begins to fade as my eyes begging to close. "I love you too, Elara Malfoy."

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