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Fred looks around at the people

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Fred looks around at the people. People she knew and loved. Her best friends Sage and Tate, wrapped in the arms of the ones they love as they mourn the loss. Her mother and brother stood in the back, feeling out of place at their own daughter and sister's funeral. Her father in Azkaban. Rowan Novak along with him.

George attempted to comfort his brother the days after her death, but Fred was inconsolable, it was meant for him. He kept telling himself that it should've been him, not her. Not even the letter she wrote him helped. It just made him feel more empty. Everyone felt a hole. Everyone lost someone in the war. Friends, Family, no one was safe that day. Even though they won in the end, it didn't feel like it to those that lost Elara Malfoy.

Sage lost her best friend, her other half. Elara was the first person she told when she realized she liked girls. Elara was the girl that encouraged her to be her true self. Elara was the first person to defend her when someone was being homophobic.

Tate lost their biggest cheerleader. The person that always made them feel loved and accepted no matter what. Elara was their protector. They always felt safe when she was around. Elara never made them feel like an outcast, even when she had to teach them how to get over a stutter.

Draco lost his big sister. His protector. The person he knew would always love him even when he did something stupid. Elara always held him when he cried. She always told him everything would be okay.

Then there was Fred. He lost the girl he loved. He lost the girl that could make him feel things he never knew possible. What started as a casual fling progressed into something he couldn't put into words. He loved her more than life could explain.

"Fred, it's your turn to talk," Sage says, patting his shoulder gently. Fred nods, standing up and walking to the podium where her picture stood close by. It was a photo of her laughing, she was, is, beautiful. "Not many people know this, but Elara and I were together. It was complicated from the start, but it was perfect. She is perfect. She protected everyone, always making sure everyone felt accepted and loved. She wasn't the stereotypical Slytherin. She cared for the people she loved more than she did herself. She would die for them, and she did." He pauses to wipe a tear from his eye.

"She jumped in front of me, catching the curse herself. She saved my life." Feed chokes up at the memory. "Before she left, she gave me this letter. It is quite personally the most beautiful writing I have ever read, perfect for a beautiful girl." A small smile graces his lips as he reads the words. Her words. To him. For him.

Dear Fred,

If you are reading this, it probably means I'm gone. I prayed it wouldn't come to this, alas, this is for you.

I want you to know how much you truly mean to me, Fred Weasley. To be honest I have always envied you. You have it all, the family, friends, confidence. Sure I have all of those too but you always have a stupidly joyful smile on your face, one that I only get when with you.

As I am writing this, I haven't told you how much I love you. Know that I do, more than you or I may ever know. I have never felt the way I do when I am with you. With you I feel safe and cared for, something I appreciate greatly.

What we have, some would describe as blind love. I describe it as perfectly us. You and I could collide, like atoms in a scientist's dream. We could start a new universe together. We could mix like a disease. And if we did, I hope we would never get better.

I ask you not to keep yourself from loving someone else. Find someone that brings out the best in Fred Weasley. Make sure that always listen to you when you ramble about something that makes you happy. Make sure that know that playing with your hair makes you fall asleep faster than a potion.

And may you find each other, and trust that it is love because it is, love is trust. And tangled lives you may lead but into each other, never apart, till you cannot distinguish between being and being together.

I know the world is crazy. I know love is not always the way it's meant to be. I know sometimes, things hurt. But I also know that you are strong enough to get through this, that your heart will arrive on the other side, in one piece. Remember that everything is beautiful if you give it the chance to be.

You may notice a change in the way I hold you leading up to the war. I hold you like I do, tightly because I know that, I'll die. And I am determined to do it with a smile on my face.

With all the love imaginable,

Elara Amaris Malfoy

|A U T H O R S N O T E|

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|A U T H O R S N O T E|

So... It's over. I will admit this isn't my favorite book I've written but I do like the duality that I incorporated. I kinda had it planned from the beginning for Elara to die, I know I sound crazy, but I feel like I always write happily ever after, mainly because it's my favorite. Thank you for all of the support loves <3

[Some parts of the letter are from the book I wrote this for you:pleasefindthis by Iain S. Thomas check it out if you wanna cry]

 Thomas check it out if you wanna cry]

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