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Today is a quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. I originally didn't plan on attending but the looks Fred has been sending me during breakfast tell me that I should.

"Why are both of you ogling at the Gryffindor table?" Tate asks, turning their head. "No reason!" Sage and I reply quickly. "We all know Sage is gazing at Granger, but who is Elara fixated on?" They ask with a small smirk.

"It appears she is looking at one of the Weasley twins," Sage says, pursing her lips to hide a smile. "Stop it you two!" I hit her arm gently. "Which one is it? Or is it both?" She smirks. "Sage!" I gasp.

"I'm just saying!" She laughs. "So Elara, which one is it?" Tate asks genuinely. I let out a deep breath, looking at Fred from across the hall. "Fred," I mumble. "I knew it!" Sage state loudly. "Shhh!" Tate and I hush her. "What?" She asks innocently.

"You know what you were doing." I scoff jokingly. "You love me." She grins. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"I'll meet you guys up there," I say to Sage and Tate as we are halfway up the stands. "Sure you will come on Tate, Elara has a rendezvous with her red-haired lover, " Sage says linking arms with Tate and walking away.

I roll my eyes before leaning against the back railing, waiting for Fred.

"There you are, pretty girl." Fred grins, putting his hands on my waist and kissing me slowly. "You have been teasing me all week." He mumbles against my lips. "Maybe I have, what are you going to do about that?" I smirk.

"You really want to know?" He says in between kisses on my neck. "Mhm." I sigh as he sucks on the sweet spot under my ear. "I'm going to take you right here, where anyone could catch us." He whispers in my ear causing shivers to run down my back.

"Does that sound like something my good little whore wants?" He asks as his hand slowly goes up the hem of my green velvet dress. "Yes." I breathe out as he slowly rubs me through my underwear. "Well, what my girl wants, she gets," Fred replies before pushing two fingers inside me.

"Shit, Fred." I gasp placing a hand over my mouth to cover the sounds. "I'll cast a silencing charm around us, but not an invisibility one, I know you love the thought of getting caught." He smirks. "Isn't that right, love?" Fred asks, his fingers keeping a steady pace inside me.

"Yes." I breathe out, feeling the familiar knot form in my stomach. "Go ahead Elara, I can feel you on my fingers, come for me." I grip his arm tightly as the familiar heat of my orgasm washes over me. Fred leans in to kiss me and I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

"Don't even think I'm done with you yet." He groans, flipping me over so my front is pressed against the railing. I'm thankful for the covers over the quidditch stands, or else everyone would see us. Fred lifts the bottom of my dress up, revealing my black lace underwear.

"So beautiful." He mumbles as he unzips his trousers, pushing both them and his boxers down causing his length to spring free. "Look at what you do to me Elara, just by looking at you." He groans as his hand runs over his erection, lining up with me.

I grip the railing tightly as he enters me from behind. "Shit, always so tight for me." He groans. His hands go to my hips, gripping so tightly there will be bruising. Fred gives me mere seconds to get used to the feeling of him filling me completely before he begins his hard and fast thrusts.

Moans leave my parted lips as he grips my hair, pulling it tightly so I can look at him. "Does it turn you on that someone could see us at any moment?" He breathes. "Y-yes." I whimper as he hits all the right spots. "Of course you would, naughty girl." Fred chuckles.

I press my lips together as the pleasure becomes too much to handle. "Fred- I'm-" I gasp as he begins going deeper. "Shit." I moan out as he grips my throat tightly. "Go ahead Elara, come all over my cock." His words send me over the edge as stars cloud my vision. "Fuck, Fred!" I gasp as I feel him empty inside me as I finish.

"That's right, always making me feel so good." He breathes out heavily. Fred pulls out of me, our combined arousal dripping down my shaky legs. "Now that is a sight I love to see." Fred chuckles. "There is no way I am walking back to the castle." I laugh lightly.

"Looks like I'll have to carry you then." He smirks. "At least clean me up first." I roll my eyes. "Fine." He groans, waving his wand and making the mess he made disappear. "Now let's get my girl comfortable." He smiles, pressing a sweet kiss to the corner of my mouth.

It will forever surprise me how he can go from rough and dominant to sweet and caring in the blink of an eye. "Thank you, Fred." I smile as he picks me up bridal style. "Anything for you, Elara." He grins.

|A U T H O R S N O T E|
Fuck algebra🙄. What the hell are imaginary numbers and why do they exist? Low key might drop from Algebra II/Trig to Algebra II.

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