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I sigh loudly as I gaze at the test grade in front of me. I barely passed. Father said if my grades fall then he will pull me out of school. Here is the only sanctuary I have from the torture. "Everything okay Miss Malfoy?" Snape asks.

"Perfectly fine professor." I purse my lips before grabbing my bag and following the others out of the class.

A firm hand wraps around my wrist, pulling me into a nearby empty classroom. "What the hell!" I shout at the person. "Elara, it's me." Fred states.

"You can't just drag me into an empty classroom Fred." I protest. "Well you've been avoiding me since we got back from Holiday and I need to know if you're okay." He rambles. "You have no reason to worry about me, Fred," I explain.

"Why do you keep doing that Elara?" He asks with a scoff. "Doing what?" I reply. "You always push me away after opening up to me, like you don't want to be vulnerable with me," Fred replies, his voice becoming louder.

"Because I don't Fred! We aren't dating. I don't need to tell you everything." I shout back. "It doesn't matter what we are Elara. I know how I feel about you and you may not feel the same but I can tell something is bothering you." Fred retorts.

"I can't," I whisper. "Why Elara? Why can't you just let me in?" Fred's arm raises and I immediately flinch, protecting my face with my arms.

"Did you- did you think I was going to hit you?" Fred asks in a hushed voice. I do nothing. I stay silent as I look at the ground. "Elara, look at me." He gently places a hand under my chin. My green eyes meet his brown ones. "I would never lay a hand on you in that manner, okay." He states slowly.

I nod my head, tears blurring my vision as my heart continues to race. Fred stays silent as he pulls me into his chest. That's when I let go. I let go of all of the fear and pain that has consumed me since coming back to school.

"I'm right here Elara, I'm right here." He murmurs into my hair as I cling tightly to him. Even, after all, I continue to put him through; Fred is always there with open arms.

|A U T H O R S N O T E|
Many people have noticed in my books that my characters cry- a lot. People often complain when a character cries during an emotional moment or re-living trauma. Fun fact: Trauma hurts. All kinds of trauma hurt. It can be different for everyone. Crying can be one of the physical sides of re-living trauma.
[restate of a message from 02/04/21]

[restate of a message from 02/04/21]

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