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"Are you seriously going to avoid him?" Sage asks. "Well, I'm not going to tell him- so yeah that's the plan," I reply as we enter defense against the dark arts.

"Everyone take your seats, today we will be going deeper into studying the cruciatus curse," Snape announces. I feel the blood drain from my face. "I didn't hope none of you have been on the receiving end of this curse," Snape says sarcastically.

"Who can tell me what they remember from last year?" He asks the room. A Gryffindor girl raises her hand. "It is one of the most powerful and sinister spells known. When cast successfully the curse inflicts intense, excruciating pain on the victim." She says.

"That is correct, What is the penalty for the said curse?" "Azkaban." Someone replies. I wish. "Correct, does anyone know how the pain is described, Miss Malfoy?" I bite the inside of my cheek at the ghost of a smirk on his face.

"The pain caused by the Cruciatus Curse is described as some, being worse than one thousand white-hot knives, boring into the skin. The sensation of the curse is so intense that the person under the effects wishes for unconsciousness and even death, as a means of escaping the excruciating pain." I answer. "Spoken from the experience?" Snape raises his eyebrows as he waits for an answer.

I stand up quickly, taking my books and leaving the class.

"Elara?" Sage pokes her head through our dorm door. "You can come in." I laugh lightly. "I was worried you may hex us." She teases as she and Tate sit on the end of my bed. "You never told us," Tate says. "I didn't want anyone to know," I reply.

"El, we are always here. Always have been, always will be." Sage assures me. "Being a Malfoy is absolute torture." I huff. "There is this expectation that we all have to be perfect, heartless, blood supremacists. But that's not who I want to be anymore."

"My whole life these beliefs have been ingrained in me but I'm done pretending, it's so tiring," I confess with my head in my hands. "Elara, you need to be whoever you want to be. Let your true self out, I'm sure once you do you will feel so much better." Sage says in a warm tone.

"Thank you guys, you are truly my best friends." I smile at them from the other end of the bed. "One more thing though," Sage says. "I wouldn't hide your love for Weasley much longer, he looked like a lost puppy today." A smile ghosts her face.

"I bet that was a sight to see." Tate teases. I take a pillow from behind my back, throwing it in their direction. It's funny how a single pillow can start a full-on war.

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
I really like this chapter:)

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |I really like this chapter:)

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