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It's been a week since Fred and I confessed to each other. We decided not to put a label on what we are, all that matters is us. Putting a label on it might make things too real. We are still in that phase where everything feels fuzzy, in a good way of course.

The peaceful silence in my dorm is broken when the face of my terrified brother appears. "Draco" I whisper. He paces back and forth, mumbling to himself. "Draco," I say sternly with my hands now on his shoulders.

"They're gonna kill me" he cries, hands on my arms. "Who Draco?" I ask. "The death eaters El! I can't do this anymore I can't keep pretending." He sobs while falling to the ground. "Draco, listen to me, it's going to be okay, I'm not gonna let them hurt you okay?" I soothe him, rubbing his back gently.

"What's wrong love? You seem tense." Fred says from behind me. "It's Draco, he's worried about things," I reply. "Is there anything else bothering you love?" He asks.

"I'm just tired of this stupid war. I'm tired of being a Malfoy and being perfect for everyone. They don't know all the shit that comes with being a Malfoy." I groan. "Do you need to vent love?" he asks. "Yes," I answer. "Go ahead, I'm listening." He kisses my temple.

"Like what kind of mother just allows her husband to abuse their only daughter, it makes no sense." I huff as I finish my emotional rant. "That's a lot to live with love" Fred sighs sadly.

"I've been living like that for so long that it felt normal. Home was no longer a place I looked forward to going." I state. "I believe that everyone deserves a home to feel safe in," Fred replies. "That's because you grew up with a loving family." I shrug. "Come home with me."

"What? I sit up in shock. "Spring holiday starts tomorrow, come with me, meet my parents," Fred explains as if it was a simple ask. "I would love that but I don't want to intrude" I reply. "Elara, my parents would love to meet you and I would love to show you what a real home is supposed to feel like." He further explains.

"Okay." "Okay?" "Yeah, I'll go home with you." I smile before pressing a tender kiss to his lips.

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