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"Fred are you sure about this?" I ask as we stand outside the front door of the burrow. "Elara, I know they will love you, just as much as I do" He smiles before tilting my chin up and placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "Okay, let's do this." I take a deep breath as I watch Fred open the door.

"Arthur, he said she was a Malfoy, I'm just saying I want my son to be careful." Fred clears his throat awkwardly as his parents turn to us with guilty faces. "Elara, how nice to meet you" Arthur smiles. "Nice to meet you too Mr. Weasley." I shake his hand.

"Oh please call me Arthur." He replies. "Come here, dear." Molly holds her arms out for a hug. I wince slightly as it irritates the wound on my stomach. "Is everything alright dear?" She asks as we pull away. "Yeah it's nothing, I'm fine," I reply to which Fred pulls me closer to his side.

"Love, I hate to say this but the charm is fading." He whispers in my ear. "Elara dear, are you sure you're fine?" Molly says, pretending she doesn't see the bruises on my wrists and arms. "Oh my." she gasps. "I'm so sorry dear." She whispers before pulling me in for a gentle hug. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," I mumble.

"Please call me Molly." She smiles, patting my shoulder before exiting to the kitchen. Arthur nods to Fred and me before following his wife. "That went better than I expected." Fred chuckles nervously. "I already love your mother." I grin.

"So Elara, how are your parents?" Arthur asks causing Fred to look at him and shake his head. "Fred, It's okay, I'm okay," I assure him. "As far as I know my father is doing well, driving Draco crazy as usual. I haven't spoken to my mum since winter holiday but I'm sure she is doing well." I state before taking a sip of my water. Ginny and George look at me awkwardly for a moment before returning their focus to their plates.

"Anywho, I notice Ron isn't here, did he stay at Hogwarts?" I ask in an attempt to steer the conversation away from me. "He did, said he wanted to stay with Hermione and Harry." "Mum, don't tell her!" Ginny attempts a hushed voice. "I apologize if I overstepped." I quickly answer. "You did nothing wrong dear, Ginny be nice to our guest," Molly says. "But she's a Malfoy, for all we know she is working for you know who with her parents," Ginny argues.

"Ginny!" Fred shouts, causing me to flinch slightly. "I'm simply stating facts Fred, she is a Malfoy, it comes with a reputation." Ginny snaps. I bite the inside of my cheek before standing up. "I understand the reputation my family has, but I assure you, I am nothing like my parents. I am here because Fred invited me but if you wish, I can leave." I state.

"Love, I don't want you to go back, he'll probably be furious," Fred says so only I can hear. "It's okay Fred, I'm used to Lucius being furious with me," I reply quietly. "Fred, take Elara up to Charlie's room while your father and I have a talk with Ginerva." Ginny's eyes widen at the use of her full name. Fred takes my hand in his before leading me up the winding stairs.

"Mum said she didn't want us staying in the same room so, you will be staying in Charlie's room ." He says before pushing the door open gently. "Also, don't listen to anything Ginny said, she fancies Potter so she's protective of him." He adds. "I completely understand where she is coming from, I'm not upset Fred" I reply. "Godric, I love you Elara." He grins before cupping my face and pulling me in for a passionate kiss. "I love you too Fred" I whisper as we pull away for air. "I can't wait till this stupid war is over" "Me either."

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