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"That dress is cute." Sage hums as she hands me a drink. "Thanks, I didn't really feel like an actual costume so I just decided to 'be someone else'" I use quotation marks for the last part.

"Yeah, you look nothing like yourself right now." She chuckles. "Sage." A voice calls from the crowd. "H-Hermione." Sage stutters out. So that's who she's been seeing.

"Sage, I don't care what other people think of us. You mean too much to me for it to all go away over a stupid blood feud."Hermione states. Sage looks at me with a smile before pulling Hermione in for a kiss. "Finally." Tate mumbles. I lightly jab my elbow into their side.

"So Tate, anyone sparked your interest lately?" I ask jokingly. "I'm not sure." They. "What do you mean?"  I ask. "Well, when I'm around her I get happy, like different than when I'm with you or Sage. And I look forward to seeing her. I've never felt like that with anyone before." They ramble

"Sounds like you like this girl, what's her name?" I tease. "I'm not telling you that. Besides she's younger than us it might be weird." They shrug. "How much younger?" I ask.

"She's two years below us but she's only a year younger age-wise," Tate explains. "Hello, Tate." A dreamy voice calls. "Oh hi, Luna!" They smile widely. They've got it bad. "Hello, Elara" She waves. "Good to see you, Luna," I reply.

"You wouldn't mind if I borrowed them would you?" She asks. "Of course not! Go on you two." I watch as Tate blushes when she takes their hand in hers. I'm glad to see that they might've found their person.

"Look at you." I turn to see none other than Fred Weasley. "That dress looks- wow." He compliments. "You don't look bad either Weasley," I reply with a smirk.

"You know where it would look better though?" He whispers in my ear. "I'm not sure Fred, where?" I ask. "On the floor of your dorm." He replies. "Let's test that theory then," I smirk before leading him towards my dorm room.

"I'm sure my roommates can find somewhere else to crash for the night." I bite my lip while looking up at Fred. "If not then too bad, you're all mine tonight," Fred mumbles before pressing his lips to mine for a heated kiss.

He backs me up to my bed, forcing my knees to buckle so I'm lying on the bed. He removes his shirt before going to the hem of my dress, pulling it off slowly. "You are so beautiful Elara." He whispers as he places gentle kisses on my shoulder and collarbone.

"I can't get enough of you." "I hate that I feel the same, Fred Weasley," I reply as my hands go to his belt. It's true. I know that he's too good for me. He deserves more than I am able to provide, all I can provide is a body.

Fred groans as I pull down his jeans and boxers at the same time. I lay back down as he hovers over me, kissing my neck and gently sucking. He slowly enters me, a complete contrast to when we were in the locker rooms.

I throw my head back into the pillows as he thrusts into me. Fred dips his head down to capture my moans in his mouth. I gasp as he speeds up. "Just like that Fred." I breathe out. "Don't cum yet darling, I'm not done with you." He says through groans.

He pulls out for a moment, putting my legs over one of his shoulders before thrusting once again. I put a hand over my mouth to keep the loud moans from escaping. "Don't do that, I want everyone to hear how good I make you feel," Fred says, taking my hands and holding them over my head with one hand.

"Who makes you feel this good Elara?" He grunts. "You Fred, you do." I gasp. "Good girl." He mutters causing my eyes to roll back. "Did you like that? Me praising you?" He grunts. "What if I did the opposite? What if I told you to take my cock like the slut you are?" His eyes darken as they look into mine.

I moan louder at the name. Fred thrusts deeper and harder at my reaction. My legs begin to shake as my hands go to his broad shoulders. "I can feel you tightening around me, are you going to cum?" I can't answer him, the pleasure being too powerful.

"Go ahead, cum on my cock Elara." Fred's words are all it takes for me to finish with a loud moan. His thrusts falter slightly as he twitches inside me. "Shit, I'm coming." He breathes as he pulls out. Without thinking I move so my mouth is on him.

I don't even need to do anything, his hips buck on their own as he releases in my mouth. "Swallow like a good girl." He demands. I look into his eyes as I do as told. He smiles before grabbing my chin and pulling me in for a kiss, tasting himself on my tongue.

We pull apart and our tired bodies lay on the bed. Fred pulls on his boxers and I throw on his t-shirt before laying back down. "You're legs are still shaking." Fred chuckles. "Shut up," I mumble as he wraps an arm around my waist.

Without thinking, both of us fall asleep.

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
I got nothing to say other than I wanna get railed. Like so bad. Preferably by a woman. Horny hours smh😔✌🏻

 Horny hours smh😔✌🏻

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