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"Just keep the sleeve down and stay out of trouble okay." I remind Draco as I walk him to his first class. "Yeah yeah I got it, I don't need you to protect me Elara." He groans. "Well too bad, it's all I've ever known," I reply as he enters the DADA classroom.

"If you have nothing to hide then show us your arm." A voice says. "I don't have to show you anything, Potter." My brother says harshly. I rush to his side, making sure he doesn't say something he may regret. "Whatever the issue is I'm sure it's not a big deal." I try to diffuse the explosive situation.

"Always have your sister to stand up for you." Ron scoffs. "Excuse me?" The boy cowers away. "Just leave him alone," I argue, gripping Draco's a to lead him away. "I just want to know why your brother has been sneaking around like he has something to hide," Harry shouts.

I pivot on my foot, ready to smack the boy who lived. "You. Harry Potter. Have no right- Put me down!" I argue as a familiar pair of arms lift me off the ground. "Fred Weasley I said put me down!" I demand thrashing around.

He brings me into an empty classroom, only putting me down once the door is locked. "What was that for?" I yell. "Elara you need to take a deep breath." He says in a low voice. "No Fred what I need is to show that arrogant boy what happens when he messes with my brother." I hiss.

"I can't let you do that," Fred replies quickly. "Fred, unless you want me to hit you, move out of the way." I snap. "Do it then. Hit me." Before even thinking my hand goes to his face.

All the pent-up anger of the past few days comes out as I hit his chest. By the time tears of anger are falling, he wraps his arms around me. We settle on the ground, me in his arms.

"It's okay Elara, I'm right here. I'll always be right here." Fred mumbles into my hair. I sync my breathing with him, allowing my heart to stop pounding viciously. "There we go, you're okay." His voice is calm as if I didn't just beat against his chest aggressively.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "You were protecting your brother, it's understandable," Fred replies. "Thank you." I sniffle lightly. "For what?" He smiles a little. "Just for being with me," I reply, burying my face into his neck.

"As I said, I will always be here."

|A U T H O R S N O T E|
In my feels rn. Why? Because SHE IS STUNNING. Who? My future girlfriend of course🙄🤚🏼. Like real-life shit.

 Like real-life shit

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